Monday again and a speedygeese training session. Weather could have been hot, cold, wet, dry, lightning, hail, anything, so I went with 4 different training plans contingent on how it looked. But plan A was to go down to Reconciliation Place and do 15 x ramp 150m runs on two minutes and that is what we did. First of all I ran 7k with Miranda when it was hot, muggy, and a strong westerly wind. Then a surprisingly large group (given the weather outlook) turned up and down to the lake we went. And with a strong easterly wind now, participating in 15 x 150m ramp runs on two minutes (in addition to me supervising) were Vanessa, Rae, Sandeep, Ruth (who thought we were doing 10 but of course kept going), Richard, Gwen, Allie, Bernardo, Colin, Michael, Giles, Brownie, Bron and Deborah. And Peach the dog.
We like our trails. Join us Sundays. Or if not, join Andrew and me for a recovery jog at Stromlo Sunday mornings 7:30am thru Summer.

We like our trails. Join us Sundays. Or if not, join Andrew and me for a recovery jog at Stromlo Sunday mornings 7:30am thru Summer.