Ken at Oakey Hill. Passing Brad? Impressive! Now for a sub-11 3k, Ken. You can do it.
My training progress
last week’s target: 80k
achieved: 82k
year 2008 total to date: 2049k in 24 weeks
this week's target: 100k including an 8k race on Saturday
weight: 63kg ▼
song of the week: "The Cure For Pain", by Jon Foreman. "It always goes down-hill". It's OK, Jon, not a problem, today we go uphill for the first time this year. See you at Parliament House tonight for the hill sprints. Well, maybe not Jon but everyone else.
There will be a couple of options for those more or less able to handle fast hills. And if you have entered the Gold Coast marathon and shouldn't be running hills at all (we don't want any tired legs and falls at this late stage!) there is a no-hills option too.
"I've spent ten years. Trying to sing these doubts away". Keep singing, Jon!