Charlie at Oakey Hill
At Monday night's training were Amanda, Christine G, Christopher, Emma, Ewen, me, Helen, Jill, Katie, Ken, Mick C, Mick H, Miranda and Neil. We ran our 20 x 100m up-hill sprints on 90 seconds. It was relatively mild for this time of year, and the hill was reasonably grassy too. But a little dark despite the moon being up: rather, if there were more cloud we could see better, from the reflection off the clouds of the city lights.
Official results from High Noon meets:
25 May
Chris Gates 68.80
15 June
Kathy Sims 3:00.53
Geoff Moore 11:23.26
Ken White 11:41.51
Katie Forestier 11:50.65
Ewen Thompson 12:24.39
Amanda Walker 12:40.69
Cooleman Ridge Cross Country Club result
22. Mick Horan 35:45
37. Charlie McCormack 37:32
39. Helen Larmour 38:00
50. Maria O'Reilly 40:44
64 finishers

Helen at Oakey Hill