
Where's the food?
I was the only one who partied on at Belluci's then ran in the championships the next day. But thanks Jeni and Maria for coming out to watch and cheer us on. Some of the speedygeese who did very well were Tony Booth in the M70s and Kathy Southgate in the W50s. Kathy was way ahead of the M60s in the 8k. Robbie Costmeyer is the only M60 who tried to go with Kathy early; I know not to. The race was two loops of 2.5k, one of 2k, and one of 1k, as I discovered a couple of minutes before the race started. The lowest point on the course, just before turning uphill into the strong wind, was exactly at the 1.5k, 4k, and 6k mark (the one spot). Kent Williams caught Robbie at 1.5k and I caught Robbie at 2.5k. After the first km I trailed Kent by 100m for the entire race; Kent might have pulled away another 20m over the last 800m. My 4k (bottom of the long hill) split was 16 minutes and my final time 33 minutes; that's more even than it looks. The other M60s: Robbie, Graham Burke, and Wayne Gregson were 400m or more behind me at the finish. Des Brown opted to run the 12k; actually I wouldn't be surprised if he simply turned up too late to run the 8k. If Des had run the 8k his time would have been a couple of minutes faster than Kent's was. No other M60 is in form at present, so what this all boils down to is that after May's half marathon and June's cross country, I am established as ACT's third best M60 runner. Moving up that "ranking" will be hard work, but that's the long term plan. I was pleased to keep 100m behind Kent in this run, and I would have caught him if I were able. But Kent will improve from here as he is probably not in top form. Des is in top form and pretty well unbeatable, for now.
Kathy broke 31 minutes!
Parties are nearly as much fun as running

Especially in such pleasant company. In this case, SpeedyJenny and veryspeedyRachelle! This is a previous party, not Friday's.
p.s. 8k result!
Place First Name Surname Club Registration Time
1 Sarah McRae WH 240 29:12
2 Jessamy Hosking SCT 175 30:42
3 Kathy Southgate SCT 182 30:55
4 Jillian Hosking SCT 212 31:18
5 Hannah Flannery SCT 266 31:33
6 Kent Williams ACTMA 2023 32:40
7 Geoff Moore ACTMA 1332 33:04
8 Susie Sprague WC 126 33:11
9 Robbie Costmeyer ACTMA 2142 34:41
10 Wayne Gregson ACTMA 2295 35:34
11 Graham Burke ACTMA 1062 35:54
12 Pam Muston WH 241 36:29
13 Miriam McCarthy WH 244 38:15
14 Ken Eynon WC 148 39:30
15 Tony Booth ACTMA 1044 40:01
16 Clive Glover ACTMA 2631 40:08
17 Bob Chapman ACTMA 1089 40:52
18 Richard Hilhorst ACTMA 4981 41:08
19 Bryan Thomas ACTMA 1458 41:31
20 Dave Hobson WH 246 43:47
21 Bryan McCarthy WH 245 45:27
22 Jill Brown ACTMA 2532 46:56
23 Col Robbie ACTMA 3931 48:52
24 Anne Young ACTMA 1520 51:16
25 Lynn Williams ACTMA 2043 51:26
Just the ACTMA members in the 12k
Bruce Graham 4841 41:22 M45
David Hosking 120 43:06 M40
Martin Fryer 145 43:16 M45
Geoff Hawke 4743 44:49 M50
Trevor Jacobs 50 45:00 M55
Geoff Monro 218 45:40 M40
Anthony Kennedy 5166 47:52 M35
Milton Valentine 2566 49:15 M55
Peter Clarke 1984 49:51 M55
Peter Cullen 3622 50:50 M45
Mick Horan 2168 52:13 M45
Bruce Wight 4065 52:32 M40
Paul Archer 4766 53:37 M55
Neville Madden 1937 53:45 M50
Ewen Thompson 200 54:14 M50
Jim White 2086 54:42 M55
Ken Smith 4823 58:08 M50
Perry Blackmore 1 59:23 M40

Where's the food?
I was the only one who partied on at Belluci's then ran in the championships the next day. But thanks Jeni and Maria for coming out to watch and cheer us on. Some of the speedygeese who did very well were Tony Booth in the M70s and Kathy Southgate in the W50s. Kathy was way ahead of the M60s in the 8k. Robbie Costmeyer is the only M60 who tried to go with Kathy early; I know not to. The race was two loops of 2.5k, one of 2k, and one of 1k, as I discovered a couple of minutes before the race started. The lowest point on the course, just before turning uphill into the strong wind, was exactly at the 1.5k, 4k, and 6k mark (the one spot). Kent Williams caught Robbie at 1.5k and I caught Robbie at 2.5k. After the first km I trailed Kent by 100m for the entire race; Kent might have pulled away another 20m over the last 800m. My 4k (bottom of the long hill) split was 16 minutes and my final time 33 minutes; that's more even than it looks. The other M60s: Robbie, Graham Burke, and Wayne Gregson were 400m or more behind me at the finish. Des Brown opted to run the 12k; actually I wouldn't be surprised if he simply turned up too late to run the 8k. If Des had run the 8k his time would have been a couple of minutes faster than Kent's was. No other M60 is in form at present, so what this all boils down to is that after May's half marathon and June's cross country, I am established as ACT's third best M60 runner. Moving up that "ranking" will be hard work, but that's the long term plan. I was pleased to keep 100m behind Kent in this run, and I would have caught him if I were able. But Kent will improve from here as he is probably not in top form. Des is in top form and pretty well unbeatable, for now.
Kathy broke 31 minutes!
Parties are nearly as much fun as running

Especially in such pleasant company. In this case, SpeedyJenny and veryspeedyRachelle! This is a previous party, not Friday's.
p.s. 8k result!
Place First Name Surname Club Registration Time
1 Sarah McRae WH 240 29:12
2 Jessamy Hosking SCT 175 30:42
3 Kathy Southgate SCT 182 30:55
4 Jillian Hosking SCT 212 31:18
5 Hannah Flannery SCT 266 31:33
6 Kent Williams ACTMA 2023 32:40
7 Geoff Moore ACTMA 1332 33:04
8 Susie Sprague WC 126 33:11
9 Robbie Costmeyer ACTMA 2142 34:41
10 Wayne Gregson ACTMA 2295 35:34
11 Graham Burke ACTMA 1062 35:54
12 Pam Muston WH 241 36:29
13 Miriam McCarthy WH 244 38:15
14 Ken Eynon WC 148 39:30
15 Tony Booth ACTMA 1044 40:01
16 Clive Glover ACTMA 2631 40:08
17 Bob Chapman ACTMA 1089 40:52
18 Richard Hilhorst ACTMA 4981 41:08
19 Bryan Thomas ACTMA 1458 41:31
20 Dave Hobson WH 246 43:47
21 Bryan McCarthy WH 245 45:27
22 Jill Brown ACTMA 2532 46:56
23 Col Robbie ACTMA 3931 48:52
24 Anne Young ACTMA 1520 51:16
25 Lynn Williams ACTMA 2043 51:26
Just the ACTMA members in the 12k
Bruce Graham 4841 41:22 M45
David Hosking 120 43:06 M40
Martin Fryer 145 43:16 M45
Geoff Hawke 4743 44:49 M50
Trevor Jacobs 50 45:00 M55
Geoff Monro 218 45:40 M40
Anthony Kennedy 5166 47:52 M35
Milton Valentine 2566 49:15 M55
Peter Clarke 1984 49:51 M55
Peter Cullen 3622 50:50 M45
Mick Horan 2168 52:13 M45
Bruce Wight 4065 52:32 M40
Paul Archer 4766 53:37 M55
Neville Madden 1937 53:45 M50
Ewen Thompson 200 54:14 M50
Jim White 2086 54:42 M55
Ken Smith 4823 58:08 M50
Perry Blackmore 1 59:23 M40