Last Monday at Parliament House it was surprisingly sheltered from the storm along the path on the western side, so we completed a normal training session there without getting too cold or damp. And the surface was soft without being slippery. Training were Christopher, Ewen, Gary, me, Katie, Ken, Neil, Rachelle, Ruth & Yelena. We ran ten intervals half the length of the straight, on 2:30.
Track and Field
The first half of the ACT Masters Track and Field program is on the website at My heading above, "Revolution 1", would refer to the 400m! Of which there are a few. A 400m is the easiest event! Anyone who can jog 10k can run 400m! It is only 1 lap of the track.
Fitness Through Fellowship
I would love to see a track season where participants forget about their personal ambition for awards, medals, recognition, and status, and instead think about increasing the enjoyment of others especially new people.
That would be a revolution, indeed!
The more new people we get who reject an out-of-date culture of one-upmanship, gamesmanship, pot hunting, and self aggrandisement, and just take pleasure in what is really on offer, the enjoyment of healthy physical exercise in an environment of encouragement and motivation, the better!
I think our multiplicity of trophy races and prizes and awards is a barrier to the main thing, which is "fellowship" or "friendship". And specially the "I should have won that, not you!" attitude you see sometimes, means the spirit of the club looks more like unfriendly rivalry than friendly competition.
And this is so immature, it is a child's attitude. Grow up!
Culturally speaking, a key thought in the minds of the next generation of Masters athletes is "friendship". For example, the old ideas about the authority of parents over children is changing. A mother will now be heard to say that she wants to be "friends" with her children. In the previous generation there was more emphasis on control and authority. This is a real cultural shift. It points to the truth that if we, the more senior members of the Masters athletics groups, expect some sort of deference from newer younger members, they will not relate to that so not be attracted to the club. Instead, a simple expression of friendship as equals is exactly what is needed and will be reciprocated. We are so well placed to connect to this generation, provided we return to our foundations, "fitness through fellowship". Bring on the next generation of Masters with their refreshing attitudes towards sport. From which we could all re-learn.
I will try and clarify this for an article in "Vetrunner" one day. But hanging onto familiar and established ways of operating, especially keeping the out-dated name "Veterans", is no way to relate to the next generation. It is merely self-indulgence. And it is not just the name which is important, it is the attitude.
Change is not so much about what you say, but about what you do.
And first you must see there is a need for change! If you cannot see the joke in the following poster, you have a problem.

Although, if you thought you had problems:
"Taiwan's leading female ultra-marathon runner has had to have both legs amputated after blisters on her foot developed into an infection".
Read the rest of the article here.
Track and Field
The first half of the ACT Masters Track and Field program is on the website at My heading above, "Revolution 1", would refer to the 400m! Of which there are a few. A 400m is the easiest event! Anyone who can jog 10k can run 400m! It is only 1 lap of the track.
Fitness Through Fellowship
I would love to see a track season where participants forget about their personal ambition for awards, medals, recognition, and status, and instead think about increasing the enjoyment of others especially new people.
That would be a revolution, indeed!
The more new people we get who reject an out-of-date culture of one-upmanship, gamesmanship, pot hunting, and self aggrandisement, and just take pleasure in what is really on offer, the enjoyment of healthy physical exercise in an environment of encouragement and motivation, the better!
I think our multiplicity of trophy races and prizes and awards is a barrier to the main thing, which is "fellowship" or "friendship". And specially the "I should have won that, not you!" attitude you see sometimes, means the spirit of the club looks more like unfriendly rivalry than friendly competition.
And this is so immature, it is a child's attitude. Grow up!
Culturally speaking, a key thought in the minds of the next generation of Masters athletes is "friendship". For example, the old ideas about the authority of parents over children is changing. A mother will now be heard to say that she wants to be "friends" with her children. In the previous generation there was more emphasis on control and authority. This is a real cultural shift. It points to the truth that if we, the more senior members of the Masters athletics groups, expect some sort of deference from newer younger members, they will not relate to that so not be attracted to the club. Instead, a simple expression of friendship as equals is exactly what is needed and will be reciprocated. We are so well placed to connect to this generation, provided we return to our foundations, "fitness through fellowship". Bring on the next generation of Masters with their refreshing attitudes towards sport. From which we could all re-learn.
I will try and clarify this for an article in "Vetrunner" one day. But hanging onto familiar and established ways of operating, especially keeping the out-dated name "Veterans", is no way to relate to the next generation. It is merely self-indulgence. And it is not just the name which is important, it is the attitude.
Change is not so much about what you say, but about what you do.
And first you must see there is a need for change! If you cannot see the joke in the following poster, you have a problem.

Although, if you thought you had problems:
"Taiwan's leading female ultra-marathon runner has had to have both legs amputated after blisters on her foot developed into an infection".
Read the rest of the article here.