Being a Follower
"Following" blogs is simple - much simpler to do than to read about, but if you must, see http://help.blogger.com/bin/answer.py?answer=104226 for the explanation of how it works.
You can "follow" any blog that has the "followers" widget. This blog has the followers widget on its side-bar. As a result, anyone can "follow" me.
Blogger dashboard keeps me to date with blogs I follow. But much, much better is the fact that "following" is integrated with "google reader". And I use google reader all the time. Much more convenient.
This spider follows you, too: http://www.onemotion.com/flash/spider/
It follows you. And you can drag it by the legs and body. And you can feed it.
Suggestions for new international sporting team names
1. Brussels Sprouts
2. Cannes Openers
3. Amsterdam Yankees
4. Vienna Sausages
5. Belgium Wafflers
6. Manila Folders
7. Czech Bouncers
8. Buenos Airheads
9. Bolivia DeHavillands
10. Seoul Brothers
11. Taipei Personalities
12. Syria Killers
13. Hungary Jacks
14. Prague Tologists
15. Peking Toms
Have a good day. And week.