I know what I mean to say but I am not always smart enough to say it right.

A simple message is more easily assimilated, but even when it is accurate it is not always helpful.

They say a picture is worth 1000 words

At least I am out there, trying. Clarity, clarity, that's what I want.
Then let's simplify.
• Don't smoke, you silly people.
• Don't get fat, get fit instead.
• Regular running is the best way to get fit and stay fit.
• Doing all the "right things" enables you to enjoy life more, not less!
I can be meaner but I am trying to be kinder too!
But I feel sad when I see otherwise intelligent people having no idea how to care for themselves. Honestly, many people are simply not smart, and what is the bleeding obvious to me may not be at all obvious to someone else.

And vice versa, I suppose.
Have a good day. Try not to be too mean.

A simple message is more easily assimilated, but even when it is accurate it is not always helpful.

They say a picture is worth 1000 words

At least I am out there, trying. Clarity, clarity, that's what I want.
Then let's simplify.
• Don't smoke, you silly people.
• Don't get fat, get fit instead.
• Regular running is the best way to get fit and stay fit.
• Doing all the "right things" enables you to enjoy life more, not less!
I can be meaner but I am trying to be kinder too!
But I feel sad when I see otherwise intelligent people having no idea how to care for themselves. Honestly, many people are simply not smart, and what is the bleeding obvious to me may not be at all obvious to someone else.

And vice versa, I suppose.
Have a good day. Try not to be too mean.