Monday night training was memorable: there was a good turn-out, with Neil and Rachelle returning from injury; it was cold but reasonably pleasant out of the wind, we ran on a soft track, welcomed especially by those with niggles and injuries, and we had a very silly on-looker.
Alan, Amanda, Cathy, Christopher, Ewen, me, Kathy, Katie, Ken, Margaret, Maria, Miranda, Neil, Rachelle, Ruth & Yelena joined in running 20 x 100m every 75 seconds on a soft slightly sandy slightly downhill section of the path alongside Parliament House. There was an annoying audience of one, a bus driver standing outside his idling bus and smoking, who couldn't tear his eyes off the speedy legs as they flashed by. Whose speedy legs were most deserving of his attention? Someone in shorts and not leggings, I would say.
This is the first week of four where we run a little shorter, a little faster.
Coming up Sunday is the next High Noon meet. Here is the track program, just announced.
High Noon Sunday 7 September
11:55am 2 x 100m relay (hand timed)
11:58am Low steeple (hand timed)
12:00pm Sprint Hurdles
12:15pm 60m
12:30pm 100m
12:50pm 800m
1:05pm 4 x 100m relay
1:10pm 200m
1:25pm 3000m (run and walk), 1500m walk
I will have a run in the 800m, probably, to see how slow I am and to establish an M60 pb.
At the end of the day, 800m is not my thing any more, too short, too fast, too risky injury-wise, quite mad really. But it should make the 1500m feel easier. If that makes sense.
Perhaps I will have second thoughts by Sunday. Sanity might prevail.

Melbourne Half Marathon
Scotty Imhoff has sent in a request for a female runner to be part of the ACT team to contest the Australian Road Running Championships as part of the Melbourne Half Marathon on October 12. Three female athletes have been selected, however one of these athletes had to withdraw due to injury. At least 3 female athletes are needed to have a team. Travel and accommodation may be paid for by the organisers. Please let Scotty know via email ASAP if you are interested. If you were already planning to go and run it, why not be part of the team?
Tonight I will almost certainly attend the ACT Masters Athletics monthly social dinner, downstairs at the Canberra City Labor Club - Petrie Plaza, Civic, 7.00 for 7.30pm. And I would like company of friends! No need to book, just show up.
Some old speedygeese photos

Cathy; Neil; Ruth
Alan, Amanda, Cathy, Christopher, Ewen, me, Kathy, Katie, Ken, Margaret, Maria, Miranda, Neil, Rachelle, Ruth & Yelena joined in running 20 x 100m every 75 seconds on a soft slightly sandy slightly downhill section of the path alongside Parliament House. There was an annoying audience of one, a bus driver standing outside his idling bus and smoking, who couldn't tear his eyes off the speedy legs as they flashed by. Whose speedy legs were most deserving of his attention? Someone in shorts and not leggings, I would say.
This is the first week of four where we run a little shorter, a little faster.
Coming up Sunday is the next High Noon meet. Here is the track program, just announced.
High Noon Sunday 7 September
11:55am 2 x 100m relay (hand timed)
11:58am Low steeple (hand timed)
12:00pm Sprint Hurdles
12:15pm 60m
12:30pm 100m
12:50pm 800m
1:05pm 4 x 100m relay
1:10pm 200m
1:25pm 3000m (run and walk), 1500m walk
I will have a run in the 800m, probably, to see how slow I am and to establish an M60 pb.
At the end of the day, 800m is not my thing any more, too short, too fast, too risky injury-wise, quite mad really. But it should make the 1500m feel easier. If that makes sense.
Perhaps I will have second thoughts by Sunday. Sanity might prevail.

Melbourne Half Marathon
Scotty Imhoff has sent in a request for a female runner to be part of the ACT team to contest the Australian Road Running Championships as part of the Melbourne Half Marathon on October 12. Three female athletes have been selected, however one of these athletes had to withdraw due to injury. At least 3 female athletes are needed to have a team. Travel and accommodation may be paid for by the organisers. Please let Scotty know via email ASAP if you are interested. If you were already planning to go and run it, why not be part of the team?
Tonight I will almost certainly attend the ACT Masters Athletics monthly social dinner, downstairs at the Canberra City Labor Club - Petrie Plaza, Civic, 7.00 for 7.30pm. And I would like company of friends! No need to book, just show up.
Some old speedygeese photos

Cathy; Neil; Ruth