Sunday 08 July at the Cotter. The water was cold.

Monday 09 July at Parliament House: Richard (new) and Brownie did the warmup; I just jogged while a session of 4-5 x 800m each with a 400m recovery jog was completed by Bernardo, Lisa, Warrick, Jen, Isaac, Jennie, Deb and Craig,
Thursday 12 July at Parliament House: I supervised, Brownie ran part of the session, while Giles, Jen, Warrick and Jennie ran 20 hill sprints, after which we were happy to share champagne to celebrate Giles turning 45 this Monday.

Monday 09 July at Parliament House: Richard (new) and Brownie did the warmup; I just jogged while a session of 4-5 x 800m each with a 400m recovery jog was completed by Bernardo, Lisa, Warrick, Jen, Isaac, Jennie, Deb and Craig,
Thursday 12 July at Parliament House: I supervised, Brownie ran part of the session, while Giles, Jen, Warrick and Jennie ran 20 hill sprints, after which we were happy to share champagne to celebrate Giles turning 45 this Monday.