Friday, 6 July 2018

Latest speedygeese training sessions & pics part 2

Posted by speedygeoff on Friday, July 06, 2018 with
Sunday 01 July run report [Dave]: It seems we’ve stepped up a level and now have 2 runs simultaneously. Starting in minus 2 degrees with no sun, The Wimps took the soft option of Red Hill and Isaacs Ridge. Thach’s mission was to design a flat course for wimps. He failed. 😩 He snuck in a couple of evil hills then announced he was doing the short version and missing most of the hills. Jen and I had other ideas and managed to find a flattish detour 😜 but still ended up with 400 metres vert and 21k.
Isaac, Shane, Graeme, Scully and William joined Thach on the short course while Cameron, Narelle and Sandeep hung in for the long version. I don’t know about anyone else but I was stuffed for the rest of the day. 😳 Yesterday’s absurdly excessive racing and speedwork probably didn’t help.
The other group (The Mountain Goats) raced up Stockyard Spur (20k and 1,100m elevation). They climbed higher in the first two km than the Wimps did in 20km. 😱 😱 Unlike some of the Wimps, me included, there was no moaning and whining from the Goats. They were in snow heaven lapping up the hills. πŸ˜ƒ
The Goats included Monica, Sarah-Jane, Craig, Mhairi, Tim and Shiree. Sorry if I missed anyone.
Meanwhile others were competing in the Gold Coast marathon (or half) or the Stadium Stomp (6,300 stair climb) 😱
Next week’s long run is at The Cotter. hopefully there’s a flat (300m) version 😳

Monday 02 July at Parliament House: short warm-up and short cool-down with 30 minutes of 3 person short relays: I trotted around while nine people participated: Pieta, Jen, Dave, Isaac, Jennie, Deb, Rae, Craig, and Candy who together with Rae treated us to birthday goodies afterwards.

Thursday 05 July at Parliament House: Running 5x400(200) and 5x100(100) were Candy, Isaac, Jen, Colin, Jennie, Dave, and me doing the whole session as well.