BBQ Stakes results 17 February
Emma Adams 27:17 pb by 2:33
Roger Pilkington 30:27
Helen Larmour 30:30
ACTVAC track 18 February
4 x 800m relay, approximate times
4 x 800m relay, approximate times
Gary Bowen 2:31
Rod Lynch 2:35
Rod Lynch 2:35
Emma Adams 2:37
Katie Forestier 2:38
Brett Morrison 2:40 pb by one second
Amanda Walker 2:41
Graham Patrick 3:03
Graham Patrick 3:03
Helen Larmour 3:05
Margaret McSpadden 3:47
The W40 team of Katie, Amanda, Emma and Jane ran a new Australian W40 record , breaking the old record by 12 seconds.
Video - after the relay, by Bruce
If this blogger version doesn't work, you can view the video on Facebook's speedygeese page. Thanks again, Bruce.
Emma and Noeline at last night's track
Video - after the relay, by Bruce
If this blogger version doesn't work, you can view the video on Facebook's speedygeese page. Thanks again, Bruce.
Emma and Noeline at last night's track