My training progress
last week's target: 90k, actual 106k
weight: 63kg and falling
A better week; partly because the temperature dropped enough to make running relatively comfortable. And on Tuesday I had my first run in the Parliamentary relays for many many years, then on Thursday I assisted a team of old 55s to break a relay record. Now I am planning next year.
Even if I do all the training I plan to do, and remain injury free, there are still some obstacles to overcome if I am going to attain my goals. I think a significant obstacle is the immobility creeping into my lower back and hips. Plan A will be to research some ways of becoming more mobile while continuing to train. Any ideas from you the reader are welcome!
song of the week: Evermore – Know It’s True, from "Dreams"
Moonlight shines down in rays
Fire I see in your gaze
And I know it’s true, believe it too, can feel it too
And it’s clear to me, no fantasy, reality
As a child I had a dream
I saw a bird with broken wings
I woke up
And I know it’s true, believe it too, can feel it too
And I know it’s near, I’ve felt it here, ‘cause it’s in the air
Tonight, to feel alive
We try again
Tonight, to be alive, to live inside
We die again
A sign, in your eyes
Oh, a fire will rise again
It’ll take you over, and it’ll burn away tonight…
How many dogs does it take to change a light bulb?
8. Jack Russell Terrier: I'll just pop it in while I'm bouncing off the walls and furniture.
1. Aki cannot stop smiling. Why is this so? See Aki’s post, enjoy the yuptypng.
2. At interclub on Saturday, in the 800m Kathy Southgate ran 2:31.40, an ACT W50 record, breaking Maureen’s time by 3.8 seconds. Also in the 800m Roger Pilkington ran 2:37.97, and in the 3000m Roger ran 11:24.07. And I noticed in the 800m John Lamb ran 2:18.19 – just 2 seconds outside Kevin’s ACT M55 record.
3. Happy Birthdays to Roger - yesterday - and Katie - today.

"I have no favourites. Everyone's my favourite!"