How many dogs does it take to change a light bulb?

1. Thursday night’s track program:
6.00 3000m, heavy weight, pole vault
6.15 60m
6.30 1500m walk
6.45 long jump
7.00 4 x 1500m relay, javelin, discus
7.30 400m
7.45 triple jump, javelin, discus, 200m hurdles
8.00 4 x 200m relay
8.15 spiral 8
2. OK. At last night’s Parliament house relays, I ran well enough to be confident that I can run a reasonable 1500m tomorrow. So the team of Trevor Cobbold, John Lamb, Paul Archer, and myself, has a chance of an M55 relay record. I am the weakest link! My time yesterday wasn’t all that “flash” but “OK” will be good enough on Thursday.
3. Politics rarely gets a mention in this blog because it is so boring boring boring and because of massive overkill elsewhere in the blogosphere. Nevertheless, today is the day our "leaders" in the ACT will be announcing which schools will close forever from 2007 or 2008. The reason for mentioning this is, Team Moore's very own Trevor Cobbold is the fearless leader of the resistance; heading the SOS (the "Save Our Schools") organisation. Boy has he been busy lately, with radio interviews, press releases, meeting etc etc. Go Trevor, you rock! Just get to tomorrow's relay on time, OK?