Cross Country Club results
Few of us are running the cross country club events at present – that’s because track is on.
North Curtin 5k Tuesday 28 November
11. Annette Sugden W40 22:56
33. Mick Saunders M55 23:03
Women’s jogalong Sunday 3 December (155 finishers)
63. Helen Larmour W45 27:02
104. Julie Tzvetcoff W40 35:11
Acton 5k Tuesday 5 December
39. Carolyne Kramar W40 31:38
44. Mark Kethro M45 22:19

1. The Pennington 800m last night was the closest of finishes – Colin just pipping Kevin with many others close behind. Nothing like a previous time when John Morton took it out by half the length of the straight. That puts Colin two points in front. But a second 800m is scheduled for 25 January.
2. The 6pm time slot for the 3000m once again proved to be too early, with the temperature still at 30 degrees. Later when a 2000m was run at 8:15, it was far cooler. Maybe I will write to the competition committee and try and get them to have the long races later. As I did last year. And the year before. Persistence must pay off, eventually.
3. Information has arrived from Tasmania about the National Track and Field next Easter. Something should appear on the ACTVAC news page later today. Entries will close on 4 March, no late entries accepted.