"Sports do not build character. They reveal it." - John Wooden
Actively Ageing Framework
Actively Ageing is an ACT initiative to encourage older, less mobile, people to get involved in physical activity. Here are some details.
Actively Ageing Framework
Actively Ageing is an ACT initiative to encourage older, less mobile, people to get involved in physical activity. Here are some details.
The Actively Ageing Framework for the ACT was officially launched by the Minister for Sport, Mr Ted Quinlan MLA on 15 August 2003. (The full article is here, where you will also find a link to the Framework document.)
The Framework aims to increase the participation of older people in physical activity and has been designed to develop a coordinated approach, with the involvement of key stakeholders and other interested sections of the community.
Mr Quinlan said “The Actively Ageing Framework is central to the Government’s efforts to improve the health of older Canberrans by getting them more involved in physical activity."