"The marathon's about being in contention over the last 10K. That's when it's about what you have in your core. You have run all the strength, all the superficial fitness out of yourself, and it really comes down to what's left inside you. To be able to draw deep and pull something out of yourself is one of the most tremendous things about the marathon." - Rob de Castella
Some results from the last T&F night
3000m Steeple
M45 Roger Pilkington 13:08.20
M50 Ken White 3:17.61
M45 Rod Lynch 3:18.63
M45 Richard Faulks 3:26.18
M45 Roger Pilkington 3:39.55
M45 Mick Horan 3:40.76
W40 Katie Forestier 3:45.86
W50 Maria O'Reilly 3:47.44
W35 Amanda Walker 3:56
M55 Neil Boden 4:03.87
M50 Peter McDonald 4:22.97
M65 Tony Booth 4:43.34
W45 Pam Faulks 4:58.29
party on
Speedygeese training over Christmas/New Year
Monday 25 No PH. The geese are in hiding. No they're not, a few of us will be flapping around from the Raiders Oval at Bruce at 8am.
Tuesday 26 Yes! The Vets will still be meeting at 9am
Wednesday 27 No BBQ Stakes. Canberra has closed down.
Thursday 28 No Vets track. Not until next week.
Friday 29 No Customs run either. No one is at work.
Saturday 30 I will be running at Aranda oval at 9am. A "familiarisation" session in preparation for the new year.
Sunday 31 Don't know. Something will be organised.
Monday 1 Yes! Back into the normal routine for the new year.
How many dogs does it take to change a light bulb?
13. Australian Cattle Dog: First, I'll put all the light bulbs in a little circle...

Some results from the last T&F night
3000m Steeple
M45 Roger Pilkington 13:08.20
M50 Ken White 3:17.61
M45 Rod Lynch 3:18.63
M45 Richard Faulks 3:26.18
M45 Roger Pilkington 3:39.55
M45 Mick Horan 3:40.76
W40 Katie Forestier 3:45.86
W50 Maria O'Reilly 3:47.44
W35 Amanda Walker 3:56
M55 Neil Boden 4:03.87
M50 Peter McDonald 4:22.97
M65 Tony Booth 4:43.34
W45 Pam Faulks 4:58.29
party on
speedyJacksonMoore in party mode yesterday
Speedygeese training over Christmas/New Year
Monday 25 No PH. The geese are in hiding. No they're not, a few of us will be flapping around from the Raiders Oval at Bruce at 8am.
Tuesday 26 Yes! The Vets will still be meeting at 9am
Wednesday 27 No BBQ Stakes. Canberra has closed down.
Thursday 28 No Vets track. Not until next week.
Friday 29 No Customs run either. No one is at work.
Saturday 30 I will be running at Aranda oval at 9am. A "familiarisation" session in preparation for the new year.
Sunday 31 Don't know. Something will be organised.
Monday 1 Yes! Back into the normal routine for the new year.
How many dogs does it take to change a light bulb?

1. Coolrunning has a World Masters Sydney 2009 thread.
2. Christmas festivities in the Moore household have continued for two days already with more to come. Yesterday I managed to fit in a Customs 5k run in about 20:45, fairly slow but everyone was slow. I have put on 2 kilos already. So it's time for a run, before the "widespread rain" arrives.
3. Merry Christmas!