Ah Belconnen. City of unsynchronised traffic lights. I guess it's good for business for the petrol companies and car repairers. But annoying for drivers. And dangerous given the high proportion of tail-gaters and of red-light jumpers in this city. But this blog is a whinge free zone, so back on topic...
Today I went over to Woden for the weekly BBQ Stakes. The three speedygeese who ran did much faster than last week. And beautiful sunny days, will this never end? Yes it will. And my BBQ time indicates I have recovered from the marathon, just in time for Sunday's half marathon.
Today's times for the 6k:
Geoff Moore 25:08
Roger Pilkington 26:43
Helen Larmour 28:59
Also today I picked up the banquet menu for Thursday 22nd's group dinner. I will post it tomorrow and I will email everyone on the email list and I will see them on Thursday/Sunday/Monday to confirm numbers. Please get in touch if I don't see you; Monday night is the deadline for letting me know you are coming.
Meanwhile, there is no finish line...

And, back in the zone
I loved the letter in Monday's paper from Bryan Furnass. Copied below, and while we are there; wouldn't it be wonderful if we had an extensive light rail system instead of our worsening choked up roads? Melbourne and Sydney would be cactus without their rail networks, and I remember in Adelaide mid-twentieth century, nearly all the trams were removed and replaced with buses, a huge mistake. In the current debate about light rail there are many opponents. But my friends, "without vision the people perish". And that's what will happen as we continue with ever expanding road systems and ever expanding use of cars and fuel.

Click to enlarge! I don't usually go "political", but today, I am inspired!
Today I went over to Woden for the weekly BBQ Stakes. The three speedygeese who ran did much faster than last week. And beautiful sunny days, will this never end? Yes it will. And my BBQ time indicates I have recovered from the marathon, just in time for Sunday's half marathon.
Today's times for the 6k:
Geoff Moore 25:08
Roger Pilkington 26:43
Helen Larmour 28:59
Also today I picked up the banquet menu for Thursday 22nd's group dinner. I will post it tomorrow and I will email everyone on the email list and I will see them on Thursday/Sunday/Monday to confirm numbers. Please get in touch if I don't see you; Monday night is the deadline for letting me know you are coming.
Meanwhile, there is no finish line...

And, back in the zone
I loved the letter in Monday's paper from Bryan Furnass. Copied below, and while we are there; wouldn't it be wonderful if we had an extensive light rail system instead of our worsening choked up roads? Melbourne and Sydney would be cactus without their rail networks, and I remember in Adelaide mid-twentieth century, nearly all the trams were removed and replaced with buses, a huge mistake. In the current debate about light rail there are many opponents. But my friends, "without vision the people perish". And that's what will happen as we continue with ever expanding road systems and ever expanding use of cars and fuel.

Click to enlarge! I don't usually go "political", but today, I am inspired!