In praise of the joy of learning and doing new things which foster growth and enhance life.
Seven year old grandson Jossie was learning last week about nanometres, micrometres, millimetres etc. His thirst for knowledge is endless. So I was interested to hear him say that his mate beat him in the school cross country race "by four inches". He's learning ALL the words. I am starting to realise how pedantic I have been in the last forty years in disapproving usage of the old imperial weights and measures. So as a new life resolution, I will stop being so pedantic about "correctness". For a start, use of crass nasal american pronunciation, as used in eastern Australia, instead of the cultured english pronunciation up with which I was brought in South Australia of words such as chance, grant, plant for example have always annoyed me but I am going to get over it. I might even start pronouncing the american way words the easterners actually get "right" like path, past, fast, half. Also, ending sentences with prepositions was something up with which I was not brought. Now I determine not to worry any more and go with the flow. After all, you don't want me to evolve into a cranky old man, do you?

Jossie at Gerroa playing cricket
Tonight Dickson training is on. I will be in Adelaide.
Monday night Parliament House training is on. But I will still be in Adelaide.
In a week's time Dickson is on again. I will probably be in Shellharbour.
Monday week I'M BACK for Parliament House training!
Seven year old grandson Jossie was learning last week about nanometres, micrometres, millimetres etc. His thirst for knowledge is endless. So I was interested to hear him say that his mate beat him in the school cross country race "by four inches". He's learning ALL the words. I am starting to realise how pedantic I have been in the last forty years in disapproving usage of the old imperial weights and measures. So as a new life resolution, I will stop being so pedantic about "correctness". For a start, use of crass nasal american pronunciation, as used in eastern Australia, instead of the cultured english pronunciation up with which I was brought in South Australia of words such as chance, grant, plant for example have always annoyed me but I am going to get over it. I might even start pronouncing the american way words the easterners actually get "right" like path, past, fast, half. Also, ending sentences with prepositions was something up with which I was not brought. Now I determine not to worry any more and go with the flow. After all, you don't want me to evolve into a cranky old man, do you?

Jossie at Gerroa playing cricket
Tonight Dickson training is on. I will be in Adelaide.
Monday night Parliament House training is on. But I will still be in Adelaide.
In a week's time Dickson is on again. I will probably be in Shellharbour.
Monday week I'M BACK for Parliament House training!