My training progress
last week’s target: 60k
achieved: 60k
year 2008 total to date: 1540k in 18 weeks
this week's target: 80k
weight: 63.5kg ▲
My weight is a little bit higher than it should be, but not too bad, and after another weekend of partying coming up I should be able to get back into a more usual routine next week.
Must say I enjoyed Monday's run from McLaren Vale to Willunga and back along the old train track which is now a recreation trail. Tuesday it rained so I didn't run, and we flew home that afternoon anyway. But 80k this week is still possible.
BBQ STAKES speedygeese times today
SpeedyGeoff 25:26 first "race" as an M60 so therefore a PB
Charlie 27:50
Roger 29:35
Helen 29:47
I ran third for "retireds" who took out the team prize today. So I took home the trophy this month; that's a first. But I had to put in a protest to stake my claim and claim my steak; the protest was successful! I celebrated by buying some new running shoes, as you do.
Cutting the Cake

Last Sunday at Belair. 6 candles and an O.
last week’s target: 60k
achieved: 60k
year 2008 total to date: 1540k in 18 weeks
this week's target: 80k
weight: 63.5kg ▲
My weight is a little bit higher than it should be, but not too bad, and after another weekend of partying coming up I should be able to get back into a more usual routine next week.
Must say I enjoyed Monday's run from McLaren Vale to Willunga and back along the old train track which is now a recreation trail. Tuesday it rained so I didn't run, and we flew home that afternoon anyway. But 80k this week is still possible.
BBQ STAKES speedygeese times today
SpeedyGeoff 25:26 first "race" as an M60 so therefore a PB
Charlie 27:50
Roger 29:35
Helen 29:47
I ran third for "retireds" who took out the team prize today. So I took home the trophy this month; that's a first. But I had to put in a protest to stake my claim and claim my steak; the protest was successful! I celebrated by buying some new running shoes, as you do.
Cutting the Cake
Last Sunday at Belair. 6 candles and an O.