Before I rush off for a full day of stretching, strengthening, running with music, racing, socialising and shopping ('aint retirement wonderful?) I will whip up a quick Wednesday morning post ... (thinks: next time, do it in advance Tuesday night!)
2008 Canberra Half Marathon - official results for the speedygeese
99 Moore, Geoff 60 1:30:30 M60
115 Horan, Mick 48 1:32:21 M45
149 Flood, Kelley F 47 1:35:55 W45
158 Pilkington, Roger 49 1:36:56 M45
184 Bowen, Gary 51 1:38:55 M50
191 Newman, Cathy F 47 1:39:14 W45
211 Baussmann, David 57 1:41:30 M55
246 Calver, Bronwyn F 38 1:43:42 W35
316 Duus, Alan 62 1:49:35 M60
378 Barker, Geoff 63 1:54:04 M60
392 Baussmann, Ruth F 57 1:55:24 W55
396 Campbell, Caroline F 65 1:55:38 W65
468 Knobel, Charmaine F 56 2:02:00 W55
475 Hogan, Peter 61 2:03:15 M60
633 finishers
Half Marathon Eve - 5km
29 Forestier, Katie F 42 20:16 W40
31 White, Ken 54 20:35 M50
44 Thompson, Ewen 51 21:46 M50
46 Walker, Amanda F 40 21:51 W40
47 Larmour, Helen F 48 22:05 W45
59 Boden, Neil 57 23:15 M55
99 finishers
Coming Events - "it's all happening!"
Wed 21 May BBQ Stakes 6k
Thu 22 May ABS Fun Run
Fri 23 May at 1:30pm my first Stromlo interval training session
Sat 24 May The CCC have a 9.5k at Mt Ainslie, one of the best courses around
Sun 25 May Vets Handicap at Oakey Hill, AND
Sun 25 May The first High Noon Meet at the AIS track.

One of those very very old photos. A Fun Run at Thredbo many many years ago. Photographer Graeme Small. That's me number 10 and number three next to me would be Chris Caton. That's right, THE Chris Caton. We ran to Dead Horse Gap and back. In late December, it snowed on us during the run! Back then, I did do hills. As I said, a very very old photo.
2008 Canberra Half Marathon - official results for the speedygeese
99 Moore, Geoff 60 1:30:30 M60
115 Horan, Mick 48 1:32:21 M45
149 Flood, Kelley F 47 1:35:55 W45
158 Pilkington, Roger 49 1:36:56 M45
184 Bowen, Gary 51 1:38:55 M50
191 Newman, Cathy F 47 1:39:14 W45
211 Baussmann, David 57 1:41:30 M55
246 Calver, Bronwyn F 38 1:43:42 W35
316 Duus, Alan 62 1:49:35 M60
378 Barker, Geoff 63 1:54:04 M60
392 Baussmann, Ruth F 57 1:55:24 W55
396 Campbell, Caroline F 65 1:55:38 W65
468 Knobel, Charmaine F 56 2:02:00 W55
475 Hogan, Peter 61 2:03:15 M60
633 finishers
Half Marathon Eve - 5km
29 Forestier, Katie F 42 20:16 W40
31 White, Ken 54 20:35 M50
44 Thompson, Ewen 51 21:46 M50
46 Walker, Amanda F 40 21:51 W40
47 Larmour, Helen F 48 22:05 W45
59 Boden, Neil 57 23:15 M55
99 finishers
Coming Events - "it's all happening!"
Wed 21 May BBQ Stakes 6k
Thu 22 May ABS Fun Run
Fri 23 May at 1:30pm my first Stromlo interval training session
Sat 24 May The CCC have a 9.5k at Mt Ainslie, one of the best courses around
Sun 25 May Vets Handicap at Oakey Hill, AND
Sun 25 May The first High Noon Meet at the AIS track.

One of those very very old photos. A Fun Run at Thredbo many many years ago. Photographer Graeme Small. That's me number 10 and number three next to me would be Chris Caton. That's right, THE Chris Caton. We ran to Dead Horse Gap and back. In late December, it snowed on us during the run! Back then, I did do hills. As I said, a very very old photo.