Wednesday BBQ Stakes times:
Me 25:32
Helen 27:33
Roger 30:54
While I am waiting for the fog to lift, I will type some words about Thursday training - except, while a training session at Dickson may have been enjoyed by Colin and a few others, at a restaurant in Belconnen there were 25 of us enjoying a break from training and celebrating the change-of-season and the promise of things to come, not to mention the odd birthday. Mark & Barbara, Katie, Ken, Neil, Charlie, Ruth & David, Cathy & Graeme, Rachelle, Margaret & Peter, Miranda & Andy, Peter H, Maria, Roger, Christine G, Helen, Rae, Gary & Pat, Jenny & I all participated, with apologies from Christine's partner, from Mick H, Charmaine, Cathy N, and Peter Mc all of whom had wanted to be there. Ruth has her 58th birthday this week and others in the group with birthdays this week but missing out on the party were Kathy S, Trevor, and Lisa. Trevor is 60 now, too! Next year we will have a party at about the same time in May, is that sufficient notice??!! And thank you for 60th birthday wishes, card, and present!! I will wear the new super special head-phone thingies tomorrow on my long long run. And drink the wine quite soon I expect. I have just two more functions to attend, to complete two months of partying!
Have you noticed that when our group goes to a restaurant on a week night, even if we all arrive early, we are the last to leave by over an hour? Must test the patience of the staff, heh?
The fog to which I am referring is not so much in my head after the party, but more outside blocking the sun. Thought I should explain that.
My fourth marathon

Canberra Marathon - 20.11.1976. I was 9th in 2:50.54
Me 25:32
Helen 27:33
Roger 30:54
While I am waiting for the fog to lift, I will type some words about Thursday training - except, while a training session at Dickson may have been enjoyed by Colin and a few others, at a restaurant in Belconnen there were 25 of us enjoying a break from training and celebrating the change-of-season and the promise of things to come, not to mention the odd birthday. Mark & Barbara, Katie, Ken, Neil, Charlie, Ruth & David, Cathy & Graeme, Rachelle, Margaret & Peter, Miranda & Andy, Peter H, Maria, Roger, Christine G, Helen, Rae, Gary & Pat, Jenny & I all participated, with apologies from Christine's partner, from Mick H, Charmaine, Cathy N, and Peter Mc all of whom had wanted to be there. Ruth has her 58th birthday this week and others in the group with birthdays this week but missing out on the party were Kathy S, Trevor, and Lisa. Trevor is 60 now, too! Next year we will have a party at about the same time in May, is that sufficient notice??!! And thank you for 60th birthday wishes, card, and present!! I will wear the new super special head-phone thingies tomorrow on my long long run. And drink the wine quite soon I expect. I have just two more functions to attend, to complete two months of partying!
Have you noticed that when our group goes to a restaurant on a week night, even if we all arrive early, we are the last to leave by over an hour? Must test the patience of the staff, heh?
The fog to which I am referring is not so much in my head after the party, but more outside blocking the sun. Thought I should explain that.
My fourth marathon

Canberra Marathon - 20.11.1976. I was 9th in 2:50.54