(1) Thursday 10 November at Parliament House I ran 8k early then supervised Gary, Jen, Lauren, Liz, Peter Brown and Sandeep doing 400m loops fast/slow hillier loop.
(2) Sunday 13 November Andrew, Joel, Thommo and I ran on the grass at Stromlo Forest Park. All but I ran kilometre intervals.
(3) On Monday 14 November Sandeep and I ran early; the main session consisted of 20 x 100m hill on 90 seconds, where Andy, Christopher, Ewen, Fiona, Isaac, Jen, Nicole, Pieta, Rae, Ruth, Sandeep and I participated. Kylie was also sighted walking. It rained driving in, it rained driving home, it was wet underfoot but the rain stayed away while we trained. It was encouraging to see a good turn-out. So what if there had been some rain earlier. No excuses! By the way, Parliament House training is never cancelled, except on 5 December when we will be having a training group Christmas function.

"If you start skipping runs because the weather is lousy, pretty soon you will be skipping runs because the weather is too nice." - a marathon runner said that.
(2) Sunday 13 November Andrew, Joel, Thommo and I ran on the grass at Stromlo Forest Park. All but I ran kilometre intervals.
(3) On Monday 14 November Sandeep and I ran early; the main session consisted of 20 x 100m hill on 90 seconds, where Andy, Christopher, Ewen, Fiona, Isaac, Jen, Nicole, Pieta, Rae, Ruth, Sandeep and I participated. Kylie was also sighted walking. It rained driving in, it rained driving home, it was wet underfoot but the rain stayed away while we trained. It was encouraging to see a good turn-out. So what if there had been some rain earlier. No excuses! By the way, Parliament House training is never cancelled, except on 5 December when we will be having a training group Christmas function.

"If you start skipping runs because the weather is lousy, pretty soon you will be skipping runs because the weather is too nice." - a marathon runner said that.