Monday night training saw Ewen, Ken, Amanda, Katie, Garry, Helen, Neil, Margaret, Annette, Trevor, Peter, Alan, Mick H. Allegedly. Not me! I had a very pleasant 14k run at mid-day when it was still warm and sunny. In the afternoon they ran the same session as last week in light rain. Very cooling. Ewen reports the post training stretches were done standing, as the grass was too wet! Last week it was the bighty bugs that provoked complaints. Never happy, I don't know!
Thursday’s scheduled track program
6.00 1000/5000m walk
6.20 200m hurdles
6.30 100m Boag
6.45 4x1500m relay
7.20 200m Daniels, 200m scratch
7.45 Medley relay 2x200m, 1x400m, 1x800m
8.00 Spiral 7
Hmmm. Some people have been known to take an hour for a 5000m walk.
song of the week: I have added “Up and Up” to the blog “song of the week” playlist … on the side bar.