They're Justified, and they're Ancient,
And they like to roam the land
I feel silly because twice in the last few days I have sent out emails with incorrect dates. Sorry. Seniors moments? The 10k track date IS next Thursday 6 December. And the Banana Leaf date IS Monday 17 December.

The Banana Leaf Restaurant is booked for a Christmas speedy-geese get-together. Come along for mouth-watering Sri Lankan dishes.
Date – Monday 17 December 2007
Time – 7pm
We went there in May and everyone agreed it was great.
Please let me know by Thursday 13th December if you will be going, so that I can confirm final numbers with Banana Leaf.
They're Justified, and they're Ancient
And they drive an ice cream van
At the BBQ Stakes yesterday Roger ran 28:38, Helen 28:42, & me 28:55. Again, not a lot between us, but we never saw each other as we start at different times.
I am looking forward to the 1500m relays tonight at track. I hope you all turn up so there are plenty of teams. It is sad when there are three people there in an age group, and no fourth to make up a team. No one is "too slow"!
Innabaanya, Innabaanya

Griffin Eats Lamb
And they like to roam the land
I feel silly because twice in the last few days I have sent out emails with incorrect dates. Sorry. Seniors moments? The 10k track date IS next Thursday 6 December. And the Banana Leaf date IS Monday 17 December.

The Banana Leaf Restaurant is booked for a Christmas speedy-geese get-together. Come along for mouth-watering Sri Lankan dishes.
Date – Monday 17 December 2007
Time – 7pm
We went there in May and everyone agreed it was great.
Please let me know by Thursday 13th December if you will be going, so that I can confirm final numbers with Banana Leaf.
They're Justified, and they're Ancient
And they drive an ice cream van
At the BBQ Stakes yesterday Roger ran 28:38, Helen 28:42, & me 28:55. Again, not a lot between us, but we never saw each other as we start at different times.
I am looking forward to the 1500m relays tonight at track. I hope you all turn up so there are plenty of teams. It is sad when there are three people there in an age group, and no fourth to make up a team. No one is "too slow"!
Innabaanya, Innabaanya

Griffin Eats Lamb