Friday, 30 November 2007

Australia’s Best

Posted by speedygeoff on Friday, November 30, 2007 with
Highlight of Vets track last night was the W40 Australian record set by four of our bestest speediest geese in the 4 x 1500m relay. Charlie and Helen were awesome, each running 4 or 5 second pbs, Kelley did brilliantly in her first track run with us, within a few seconds of her pb, and Katie brought the team home with an improving time this season and was the fastest of the four. The record was by just three seconds!

Gorgeous Geese and Speedy too.

Charlie, Kelley, Helen, Katie after their Australian record run. Click to enlarge.

Congratulations to Adam Robinson, getting married today.

New Games to play
I can recommend the “submachine” series of games - here’s the first - a very easy one to start with. You will have time if (a) you are retired like me, or (b) December arrives and work gets to be very slow. Turn the sound up and fill in some time!

Thursday, 29 November 2007

Justified and Ancient

Posted by speedygeoff on Thursday, November 29, 2007 with
They're Justified, and they're Ancient,
And they like to roam the land

I feel silly because twice in the last few days I have sent out emails with incorrect dates. Sorry. Seniors moments? The 10k track date IS next Thursday 6 December. And the Banana Leaf date IS Monday 17 December.

The Banana Leaf Restaurant is booked for a Christmas speedy-geese get-together. Come along for mouth-watering Sri Lankan dishes.
Date – Monday 17 December 2007
Time – 7pm
We went there in May and everyone agreed it was great.
Please let me know by Thursday 13th December if you will be going, so that I can confirm final numbers with Banana Leaf.

They're Justified, and they're Ancient
And they drive an ice cream van

At the BBQ Stakes yesterday Roger ran 28:38, Helen 28:42, & me 28:55. Again, not a lot between us, but we never saw each other as we start at different times.

I am looking forward to the 1500m relays tonight at track. I hope you all turn up so there are plenty of teams. It is sad when there are three people there in an age group, and no fourth to make up a team. No one is "too slow"!

Innabaanya, Innabaanya

Griffin Eats Lamb

Wednesday, 28 November 2007

Another day another 14k

Posted by speedygeoff on Wednesday, November 28, 2007 with
Spring Series North Curtin (allegedly 5k, actually 4.88k)
10. Maria O'Reilly W50 21:55
16. Kelley Flood W45 22:26
19. Annette Sugden W45 22:47
31. Rae Palmer W60 25:49

34. Mick Horan M45 19:59
47. Roger Pilkington M45 21:28
48. Geoff Moore M55 21:33
57. Peter McDonald M50 23:08
69. Geoff Barker M60 26:00

Just one hill to run up on the way out - it went for nearly 2k. On my warm-up I saw the course marker decide to put the turn cones down "short", to save him cycling further up the hill into the wind to where the turn was meant to be. Mr Flibble confirmed the course was short. But I reckon the times are comparable to 5k for those of us who don't do hills.

So I am back into it. Let's hope I didn't make a big mistake running in the race, as I was sucked into speeding up in the second half of the race. At least my hamstrings seem better.

At the run, Adrian Rumore thanked me for referring Strewth to his physiotherapy practice. A nice guy. Who told her she couldn't run at all until late next week. So now there's a vacancy 4:30 on Monday for someone else to slow Ewen down on our 7-8k run.

Fly Neil Fly

Another of our speedygeese running strongly at Innabaanya (don't I just love typing that name?!) on Sunday. Neil is running just fast enough to make Monika look like she's walking! Photo by John Kennedy.

Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Love and Kisses

Posted by speedygeoff on Tuesday, November 27, 2007 with
On Sunday at Innabaanya, Colin gave every long-course runner a kiss before they started. Here he is kissing Amanda. Check out the anticipation on the faces of Charlie and Kevin, and especially Sonia! Colin said afterwards that he regretted kissing everyone in Movember, as many of the starters had prickly mo’s. Sonia said afterwards that she will return from Melbourne at the end of 2008 specifically to take Colin’s place as chief kisser. On the other hand, Amanda was not impressed and is suing for molestation. John Kennedy took the photo, pity, a video would have been quite a hit on YouTube.

Monday night training saw Ewen, Ken, Amanda, Katie, Garry, Helen, Neil, Margaret, Annette, Trevor, Peter, Alan, Mick H. Allegedly. Not me! I had a very pleasant 14k run at mid-day when it was still warm and sunny. In the afternoon they ran the same session as last week in light rain. Very cooling. Ewen reports the post training stretches were done standing, as the grass was too wet! Last week it was the bighty bugs that provoked complaints. Never happy, I don't know!

Thursday’s scheduled track program
6.00 1000/5000m walk
6.20 200m hurdles
6.30 100m Boag
6.45 4x1500m relay
7.20 200m Daniels, 200m scratch
7.45 Medley relay 2x200m, 1x400m, 1x800m
8.00 Spiral 7
Hmmm. Some people have been known to take an hour for a 5000m walk.

song of the week: I have added “Up and Up” to the blog “song of the week” playlist … on the side bar.

Monday, 26 November 2007

Keep On Running

Posted by speedygeoff on Monday, November 26, 2007 with
My training progress
last week’s target: n/a
achieved: 37k
year total to date: 3,515k in 47 weeks
this week’s target: 84k
weight: 66.5kg ►◄
quote of the week from Kerry O’Brien, of the ABC, during the election telecast - “With 60% of the vote counted, the swing to the ABC is ...”.
song of the week: “Up and Up”, by Relient K, from "Five Score Years and Seven" - "To be content with where I am, and getting where I need to be".

After a four day break last week, normal training will be resumed this week. I will keep on running as originally planned. But slowly.

Innabaayna 7k
5 Ewen Thompson M50 41:12 bronze
7 Mick Horan M45 29:03
23 Sonia Veldhoven W30 32:27
31 Rod Lynch M45 27:32
35 David Webster M55 32:07
46 Christopher Lang M55 38:06
53 Mick Charlton M55 38:24
57 Alan Duus M60 35:58
61 Charlie McCormack W40 33:03
71 Amanda Walker W35 34:23
72 Richard Faulks M45 28:48
73 Barbara Tucker W55 39:06
82 Roger Pilkington M45 35:01
90 Geoff Barker M60 46:26

Innabaayna 3.5k
6 Gary Bowen M50 14:49
8 Cathy Montalto W55 17:55
9 Neil Boden M55 16:17
26 Rae Palmer W60 19:38

This month many of us were rostered on to help so did not compete. Ewen said he jogged it. Seeing his time I now realise that's true. Ewen, you are the early favourite for the 2008 point score.

Maria and Christopher at the end-of-year awards

Maria did brilliantly all year, averaging better than 85% in the age standards, second over-all. Photo by John Kennedy.

Sunday, 25 November 2007

Bennelong Time Coming

Posted by speedygeoff on Sunday, November 25, 2007 with
Yes folks, we finally got to the last Vets Handicap race of the year, and were able to see presented not just the monthly prizes, but the yearly awards as well.

Who were the winners? They included:
Bronze Medallist in the Thomas event (7km) for November - Ewen Thompson.

2007's Frylink Series point score gold medallist - Ken White

2007's Thomas Series Age Percentage silver medallist - Maria O'Reilly

2007's Frylink Series Age Percentage silver medallist - Ken White
2007's Frylink Series Age Percentage bronze medallist - Katie Forestier

All wonderful results and worthy winners. A special congratulations to Ken for winning the Frylink series. And Maria's consistently high age adjusted percentages were awesome, only Peter Kallio's surpassed hers.

Very latest news from the outside world
"Take extra-special care of your appearance when walking around Australian capital city streets this summer, as one nose pick or bum scratch could be immortalised on Google Maps forever.

"Google-branded cars with roof-mounted cameras have just begun traversing our streets, taking highly detailed panoramic street-level photos for a new Maps feature called Street View."

See the full article at

We are all under scrutiny folks, not just the high profile types.

Keeping a Low Profile

Mick Charlton, regular competitor and quiet achiever, out there again today doing his best. Photo taken a year or so back

Saturday, 24 November 2007

Come From Behind Win!

Posted by speedygeoff on Saturday, November 24, 2007 with
Helen surprised herself and a lot of young defense girls by winning the Bonshaw cup!

She was in fifth place for the first 2km, then second for another 2km, finally doing the 6.4km in 27.01.

So Helen's name goes on the trophy along with some very outstanding names from previous years.

And of course Helen won the Vets trophy too.

Helen at Brindabella 2007

Making a Splash
My swimming is resuming in earnest. After a five year break from swimming - and I never swum at all until I was over 40 years old - I have resumed weekly swimming sessions at the AIS, and plan to take it very easy initially and build up with an aim of achieving a six minute 400m when I turn 60. Or close to it. (As a swimmer I am a very good runner). So yesterday I did 10 x 100 on 3 minutes i.e. had very long rests between each effort; I really just need to work into it gradually. I will be doing interval swim training of various kinds and I will note here what I do.

The other new thing I have started doing is easy gym work; I have NO strength and NO flexibility! So the softly softly approach is again the go. My arms were sore from weights on Wednesday. I sure am unfit! The Charnwood gym/centre I am attending is most impressive: aimed at older people, I find I am just as useless at the stretches and lifts as the more sedentary oldies there. What impresses me most is the personal attention and catering for each individual determined by where they are at. And the latest information on exercising and strengthening is well researched and implemented.

Running Barefoot on the Grass
I ran at Stromlo this morning; John and Diana joined me, they were so inpressed (and IMpressed as well) they ran barefoot on the grass. I will later. I was so impressed I will start Saturday morning training there. Join me 9am Saturdays starting 8 December. Bring hat, drinks, insect repellent. I will work out a balance between Saturday and Monday training, depending on who comes Saturdays. We could do sprints: each 100m is marked; or we could do medium or long intervals; or we could disappear on long hilly runs up the mountain bike circuit!

Making your Mark
I vote for more games; online games are getting better and better. For example, I just loved

See How They Run
For tonight, see; see how they fall. Will there be another come-from-behind win? I have the beer and peanuts at the ready.

Friday, 23 November 2007

It doesn’t matter who you are...

Posted by speedygeoff on Friday, November 23, 2007 with

You just want somebody listening to what you say – Square One, Coldplay

Do you like our new promotional leaflet? Cool, eh?

Those of you who responded to the Vets Survey of handicap courses were heard! The course on Sunday has been changed. Great news! Here's a map which shows that the roughest sections of the old course are no longer being used.

And remember it's an 8:30am start this Sunday!

Last night's Vets track was washed out. The 10k that was to have been run has been rescheduled for 6 December - see ACTVAC NEWS. Good thing too because it is a pain going through all the preparations for a big race then having it cancelled. And just maybe I can run it now instead of lap scoring as originally planned?

And for all you Moms out there - it's the Mom Song.

Thursday, 22 November 2007

Australia Decides

Posted by speedygeoff on Thursday, November 22, 2007 with
This Aussie has decided her home is in the US. Or at least the photo below would indicate so. Read her blog for fascinating stories of their trip.

What more could a flashduck want? When she has a little nest in ducktown, and flashdrake on hand?

Meanwhile KiwiBarb is planning to return to Kiwiland. Or is she? Thousands more Kiwis are making the permanent trip from NZ to Australia than are moving from Australia to New Zealand. Hang in here, Barb! And that investment in a Kevin-07 T-shirt won't mean much over the great divide, will it? As for me, I will wait until the Kevin-11 version is released before I invest in one.

WinningBarb. From the latest Vetrunner.

The last three issues of Vetrunner are on the Vets website now!

Meanwhile, the results from the Spring Series run, 5k at the National Library:
30. Mick Horan M45 20:00
68. Kelley Flood W45 22:51
71. Roger Pilkington M45 23:20
89. Neil Boden M55 24:19
97. Adam Robinson M30 25:00
112. Barbara Tucker W55 27:32

Roger is on page two too!

I don't have to tell you who they are, the names are on the shirts!

Wednesday, 21 November 2007


Posted by speedygeoff on Wednesday, November 21, 2007 with
I didn't get to the Spring Series race last night, Jenny and I were invited out to dinner. I must say the last two nights have been as warm as I remember; if it is no warmer when summer comes, it will still be one of those years when we say how difficult it has been training for the Canberra marathon through a worse than average Canberra Summer. I think my best Canberra marathons were after a mild summer, when I could more comfortably complete the long distance training required. So don't expect my form next April to be very good, should I decide to run.

Climate Change
Watched the massive storm clouds move into Canberra - and out again - last night on the BOM website map. No rain, again. Today the BOM are predicting "possible heavy rain" rather than the "possible showers" so popular this year. I wish we would get some real rain, like the good old days, instead of "possible" rain.

Qualifications versus experience
Changing the subject, if experience were the only criterion we used to judge whether an athlete should be selected in a team, or a leader should merit following, we would soon be left with tired old leaders who had run out of ideas, and athletic teams whose members were just marking time. I am attracted to the spark and energy of a bright young person who likes to see everything freshened up and renewed, don't you? The cricket team sub who thrills with impossible catches and slick run-outs; the athletics team member who doesn't just challenge the status quo but doesn't even know what the status quo is? The leader who starts out as an idealist, with a mix of truth and compassion, rather than a mix of truth and deception. Renewal is good.

Contentment versus complacency
We have brains for a reason. Discernment is a good thing. Dare I use the word, we are supposed to discriminate. Let's make our choices make sense.

Isn't it interesting that many "wise" old observers of athletics will say that the hero of yesterday was better than the hero of today. I think this is true in one sense: I think there were fewer heroes then so they stood out more! I think this is false in another sense - there are many heroes now, we can all qualify. Don't underestimate what you are capable of, and in particular, never rely on other peoples' approval or disapproval to control how you feel about what you do. Many of you are heroes; just because you don't stand out enough to be acknowledged means nothing.

Thursday night's track events will be:
6:00 1500m Walk (PH)
6.15 100m (B)
6.30 800m
6.50 200m (D), 200m (scratch)
7.10 4x400m Relay
7.30 10,000m
I plan to lap score for Ewen and Strewth in the 10,000m.... I will be optimistic and take serious wet weather gear.

Ironic really - I am a champion of handing over the reins to the next generation, but I work hard in Veterans Athletics circles. More on this soon!

What's good...

...for the geese ... The last monthly handicap will be on this Sunday, many of us are taking our turn officiating rather than running... Christmas is coming... standing around in the shade sounds appealing... on Sunday it will be with food in hand... and we will be saying farewell to Sonia, one of our very fastest newest goslings, who is moving to Melbourne.

Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Fresh Face in Canberra

Posted by speedygeoff on Tuesday, November 20, 2007 with
Last night's training at Parliament House, Canberra saw one fresh face in the training group - Lisa joining us after a couple of years out of action. We ran on three levels - something we were able to do again, also after a couple of years, because the "One Way" signs have been moved to safer spots.

Climate Change
Present at training were Alan, Amanda, Cathy, Emma, Ewen, me, Helen, Joel, Kelley, Lisa, Margaret, Maria, Peter, Rachelle, Richard, Ruth, Sonia and Yelena. It was very hot - the temperature has been sitting on 10 to 12 above average the last week. Will it be a hot summer? You bet.

On the Level
Lower level - bitumen path - 4 x 40 seconds on 2 minutes, alternating directions.
--2 minute break--
Middle level - gravel path - 4 x 40 seconds on 2 minutes, alternating directions.
--2 minute break--
Higher level - dirt (was grass)path - 4 x 40 seconds on 2 minutes, alternating directions.

Thankfully all three tracks were well shaded, and there was plenty of water on hand.

Once Bitten Twice Shy
The stretching session at the end in the shade will have resulted in all participants resolving to bring aeroguard next week.

Coming Event - Spring Series 5k at the National Library, 6pm today.

Coming Event - Vets track this Thursday, 800m and 10000m. Hurray, the Thursday forecast is "relatively cool" compared with the rest of this week.

Coming Event - Bonshaw Cup 6.4k, this Friday at HMAS Harman. Registration closes at: 1030; Race start: 1100 walkers, 1130 runners. Entry Fee: $10.00 per person (includes trophies, prizes and lunch)

Coming Event - Vets handicap and end-of-year prize giving, this Sunday morning, Innabaanya. There will be a sausage sizzle after the handicaps. Payment is by gold coin donation which goes to the ACT Cancer Council.

Put on your running gear, come outside and join us!

Monday, 19 November 2007

Please put a penny in the old man's hat

Posted by speedygeoff on Monday, November 19, 2007 with
My training progress
last week’s target: 58k
achieved: 46k
year total to date: 3,478 in 46 weeks
this week’s target: n/a
weight: 66.5kg ▲
The hamstring injury I sustained on 14 Oct is seriously impeding me. So I am setting no targets this week until it is better.
Song of the week: Make This Go On Forever (Snow Patrol)

The Green Green Grass of Stromlo

Sunday, 18 November 2007

Stromlo Cross Country

Posted by speedygeoff on Sunday, November 18, 2007 with
Today I ran at the new facility at Stromlo. I was very, very pleased to see Adam, Roger, Ewen and Kathy having a run there as well, and Christopher called by to say Hi. Those of you who forgot it was on or didn't make it for whatever reason missed out on a unique experience, ha ha I ran there before you.

Wonderful course
Now what? I would like to start training there; why don't we plan to meet next Saturday 24 Nov at 9:00am and have a training run? The venue is ideal for the kind of interval training we used to do at North Lyneham, but of course it is an infinitely better surface. Please contact me (a) if you will join me just this Saturday, or (b) if you want to try out the course and prefer another time, and I will see what I can do.

Start this Saturday then decide where to from here
The course is marked every 100m and has several choices of direction and gradient. Another reason for trying it on Saturday is to check who else is around, if the toilets are open, whether there are any problems using the area.

New hub for running, training and racing
It should become the main hub for the Canberra running community. A big advantage is, it is central, easy to get to. At the moment, little shade and maximum exposure to the elements is a short-coming, but in years to come the trees will grow and the surrounds will become most attractive. As it is, the views are magnificent!

You could even run in bare feet
if you wanted to. I will try out my "Frees".

I have been told it will be always open

so let's hope there are no teething troubles!

After that there will be a Spring Series race
there on 4 December, again over 5k, which will give you and me the opportunity to repeat the experience. And then I will get a concensus and decide if we will be training there regularly. Members of many other training group represented there today were raving about the course! So even if we don't end up having organised sessions there, I may just train there regardless when I can.


The two lap course was run in around 22 mins by Roger & Ewen, around 25:40 by me & 26 mins or so by Adam. Kathy ran about half of the elite 8k race but at that very fast pace experienced hamstring problems - I know how she feels!

Saturday, 17 November 2007

"A profile of patience and persistence".

Posted by speedygeoff on Saturday, November 17, 2007 with
Thursday Vets track results
M45 Rod Lynch 68.24 71.1%
M50 Gary Bowen 69.44 71.3
W35 Emma Adams 70.56 72.8
M55 Mick Saunders 77.69 67.6

M45 Rod Lynch 10:51.13 75.4%
W35 Emma Adams 12:08.64 71.0
M55 Geoff Moore 12:24.79 72.8
M50 Gary Bowen 12:45.37 65.7
M45 Roger Pilkington 12:50.47 64.3
W45 Helen Larmour 13:37.53 70.1
M30 Adam Robinson 13:51.61 53.8
W55 Ruth Baussmann 15:55.07 67.6
W60 Margaret McSpadden 16:31.55 68.0

4x200 Relay
W40 Katie Forestier & W35 Emma Adams in a team that ran 1:57.09
M50 Gary Bowen in a team that ran 2:07.40

Pennington 1500m
2 Colin Farlow M45 4:44 81.8%
3 Ken White M50 5:14 79.5
4 Rod Lynch M45 5:15 74.4
7 Tony Booth M65 6:11 76.2
8 Katie Forestier W40 5:36 73.9
11 Helen Larmour W45 5:56 75.8
14 Neil Boden M55 6:13 68.6
15 Mick Saunders M55 6:14 69.6
18 Roger Pilkington M45 6:33 60.2
21 Adam Robinson M30 6:42 51.3

spiral 6
2 Tony Booth M65 12:19
5 Roger Pilkington M45 11:01
9 Gary Bowen M50 10:19
12 Margaret McSpadden W60 13:57
15 Neil Boden M55 11:07
18 Ruth Baussmann W55 13:13
22 Mick Saunders M55 11:16

Track Highlights
Emma running her first ever track 3000m. A good time too, running by herself, and in very hot conditions.

Colin running second in the Pennington race, again to "newcomer" Bruce Graham, as happened in the 3000m. Could be an up-hill battle to take the series from here, but I know Colin will patiently persist!

Blog enhancement
I have completed a little project to add "no frills tabs” above the posts, "Who we are", "Where we train" etc. This reduces the number of things down the right-hand side bar. And makes the good stuff easier to access.

Tor den Tålmodigethis article just has to inspire everyone over 50!
From the article:
Secret #1: The guy really loves to run, pure and simple.
Secret # 2: "I always listen to my body. If I feel good, I run. If I am tired, I rest. Also, if I have to paint the house or work in the garden."
Secret #3: Train in a place where the land is brutal but beautiful. The terrain strengthens you heart and legs. The place strengthens your soul. You'll need both to win.
Secret # 4: "I have learned this much. Races are won in the weeks and months of training before. I don't worry about pre-race routines."
Secret # 5: If the training program is working, don't fix it! Appreciate the process and press on.

Snap Happy

SpeedyJenny returned from Brisbane this week with hundreds of MooreGrandChildren photos. Here's Charlie!

Friday, 16 November 2007

The highlight of this week

Posted by speedygeoff on Friday, November 16, 2007 with

Thanks everyone for your friendly comments and emails; a highlight for me this week.

The BIG highlight of this week will be the opening of the new cross country course at Stromlo this Sunday. Already in continual use for most of 2007 for biking and mountain biking, the facility will now boast a 2.5k cross country circuit, after much long and careful preparation, despite the drought. Sunday's opening is simply NOT TO BE MISSED. We get to run over the course at 10:30, then stay and watch the country's best.

The latest media release: (typos left in unamended)

Media Release: Australia ’s Elite distance runners gather to celebrate the birth of a running Mecca in Canberra

Australia ’s elite distance runners will gather in Canberra this Sunday for their first taste of the Stromlo Forest Park Cross Country track, named after 1983 World Marathon Champion and Australian of the Year, long-time Canberra resident, Robert De Castella, who will be on had to start the mens elite race.

The elite womens 8km race starting at 11:30am is impossible to pick. The clash between the strength and experience of established runners with international credentials and the fearless running of a group of outstanding juniors will be captivating. Former world #1 triathlete Annabel Luxford will be out to upset the runners with her coach and former world champion triathlete/duathlet e and Commonwealth Games Marathon Bronze medallist Jackie Fairweather (nee Gallagher) keeping her honest. Local World Championship representative Sarah Salmon will have to contend with Australian Ekiden representative Sarah Lofts and top city to surf finisher Melinda Vernon. Melbourne Marathon top performers Lisa Dick and Billinda Schipp will challenge. Schipp, also coached by Fairweather, has shown a great return to form after the birth of her first child and will be strong, as will local and former Australian rep Joy Terry. The young guns will be led by Australian Ekiden representative Tara Palm and multiple national age record holder ACT’s Emily Brichacek. Can they surprise their elders and usher in a new era?

The elite male 8km race starts at 12:10pm and boasts multiple Olympian Lee Troop, Melbourne Marathon winner Rohan Walker and Australian Ekiden Representatives; Mark Tucker, Ben St Lawrence, Andrew White and local Erwin McCrae. They will have to contend with current World Mountain Running representatives Scott Mctaggart and Mark Bourne and a host of other Australian Representatives. The favourite in the mens race, Martin Dent has shown his versatility at distances from 5km to the Marathon and his 4th in the Melbourne Commonwealth games Steeplechase was memorable as he fearlessly chased the Kenyans. Dent has recently won the Noosa Bolt and Burnie ten and was second to Brett Cartwright in the Melbourne Half Marathon. Cartwright showed awesome form in Melbourne but has been hampered by injury and is in doubt for the race. The race also signals the return of former Australian representative and local Dean Cavuoto to elite running after beating cancer.

The world class facility has been integral to attracting a strong field as the athletes can’t wait to get a feel for the track that will regularly be used to host Australian Championships. However they will have to wait for the schools race at 10am and the community 5km race at 10:30am before they get their chance. It’s your chance to beat Australia ’s elite distance runners!

For details of the circuit - Robert de Castella 0411 182 345
For information about the events – Dave Hobson 6258 2676 or Race Day 0408 233 436

Thursday, 15 November 2007

The High Life

Posted by speedygeoff on Thursday, November 15, 2007 with
Spring Series race Tuesday: Weston Park 5k (in fact ~4.87k)
7. Maria O'Reilly W50 21:26
15. Rachelle Ellis-Brownlee W35 22:18
22. Thea Zimpel 23:43
25. Kelley Flood W45 23:56
42. Ruth Baussmann W55 27:15
43. Annette Sugden W45 27:23

18. Richard Faulks M45 18:43
43. Roger Pilkington M45 22:06
44. Geoff Moore M55 22:09
48. Peter McDonald M50 22:52
50. Mick Saunders M55 22:56
55. David Baussmann M55 23:40
58. Neil Boden M55 23:55
65. Geoff Barker M60 24:49
76. Mick Charlton M55 27:56

Living at altitude – some food for thought at

Interestingly the article proposes that living at a high altitude and training at a low altitude has the most benefit! I am not sure how we organise to do that, what with the cost of fuel, groceries etc at the highest points in Australia.

Although, even a place with a less high altitude (in Canberra my training routes vary from 500m to 650m) has some of the benefits of higher places.

My positives about living in Canberra
Air – clean, relatively speaking. Less than it used to be admittedly, especially on Northbourne avenue where the Sydney traffic arrives from, but generally crisp and pleasant, particularly in winter.
Athletics – a good spirit among the clubs here, and plenty of different kinds of sporting clubs in close proximity.
Adventure – close to the mountains, close to the sea, and with oodles of local attractions.
Altitude - as discussed.
And that’s just the a’s.

My negatives
Allergies. being in the wheat belt can bring on year round allergies, and Canberra is such a place.
Attitude. Ignorant Australians from elsewhere, often Queenslanders (but not all of them!), have a stupid attitude towards us, they think politicians come from Canberra. We know that’s wrong, they come TO Canberra from everywhere else. My fellow Australians, we don’t need your hate or your pity.
ARL etc. The obsession Canberra media has with the “bully” and “thug” sports is annoying, but understandable I suppose given that all the “national” news is from Sydney.
Altitude - a down side for us outdoor types is, an increased skin cancer risk due to much higher UV levels.
And that’s just the a’s.

But as the article suggests, 600m isn’t really altitude, you start getting benefits from about 2,000m. And a negative of living at 2,000m metres in Australia is the lack of anywhere you’d really want to stay for very long. I suppose a positive is that you’d be well away from those damned politicians.

The worst scenario for fitness would be living at sea level in a highly polluted island near the equator where the temperature and humidity is forever extreme, i.e. Singapore (sorry Karmin!), which place would otherwise be an exciting and stimulating environment, the centre of the universe!

But even in Singapore where I lived for nine weeks I found some lovely places to run. We humans are after all very adaptable creatures! And could it be that the advantages of altitude are fairly minor. And dare I say it, partly psychological? I think, to do well you only need to bring an "altitude attitude" to the place where you live and train. Expect to improve where you are, with who you are, and with what you have, with what you are doing. A spirit of contentment is a wonderful thing. A spirit which many of us who are highly motivated, highly ambitious, could learn to welcome and foster. Aim high on the one hand, enjoy the levels you attain on the other.

Happy Australians enjoying running in Cool Canberra

Wednesday, 14 November 2007

Run first then stretch

Posted by speedygeoff on Wednesday, November 14, 2007 with
Optimal training means you stretch at the end

"Is stretching before running harmful?" Thus begins an article in which contains the following advice:

"For the sake of time efficiency and getting the most in with the least amount of risk, I believe the best stretching strategy for runners is the following.
"Warm up with 5 minutes of brisk walking. It gradually diverts circulation to the working muscles, increases heart rate and breathing. It is the best way to prepare your body for the upcoming run.
  • Take the next 5-10 minutes and run at a very easy pace continuing to increase heart rate, breathing and circulation.
  • Then work into your planned running regimen [easy, long, speed...]
  • Cool down with easy 5 minutes of running and then 5 minutes of walking. This is the exact opposite of the warm up. The cool down is very important as it returns your body back to its resting state.
  • Finish with flexibility exercises to improve/maintain range of motion in your muscles, joints and tendons."

  • As followed in my Monday routine:
  • 4:30pm very very slow warmup
  • 5:30pm very slow warmup
  • 6:00pm interval training
  • 6:30pm slow cooldown
  • 6:35pm stretching
  • 6:40pm very slow cooldown

  • Know your limits when you exercise

    Tuesday, 13 November 2007

    Just what were the Crows thinking?

    Posted by speedygeoff on Tuesday, November 13, 2007 with
    Races of interest this Thursday
    6.40 pm3000m
    7.00 pm400m
    7.20 pm1500m Pennington
    8.00 pm4x200m relay
    8.15 pmspiral 6

    Monday night training
    Adam, Amanda, Barbara, Emma, Ewen, Helen, Joel, Kelley, Ken, MickH, Neil, Ruth, Sonia, and Yelena joined me on a sultry evening at Parliament House to run four intervals over 700m each with a bit of a jog in between, and some stretching afterwards. Annette passed by, I also spotted Prue in the distance on one occasion, walking home from work. Back to shorter/faster next week?

    Have you noticed that the ACTVAC website now makes more than just the latest Vetrunner available for down-loading?

    Currently October and November are there. December is due to be added about two weeks from now.

    And I have improved and simplified Vets NEWS. Does anyone have items they would like me to add to Vets News? Get them to me anytime at all. I regularly make updates and changes. And you can also pass on to me any comments and observations about the website and I will SEE WHAT I CAN DO.

    Adelaide Crows
    I have just discovered the inspiration for the uniform used by my footy team, the Adelaide Crows. Via a bit of a detour, I am pretty sure this post is the true source: it contains excerpts from a 1977 clothing catalog including the photo in question. I refrained from commenting on the post as there are over 450 comments there already. Mr Bob Saget is wearing the uniform. He looks like a friendly fellow.

    Clearly it was such an attractive look that the Crows couldn't resist adopting it as their permanent uniform.

    Monday, 12 November 2007

    Snappy Time

    Posted by speedygeoff on Monday, November 12, 2007 with
    Weekend results - Mt Majura
    One-Peak 15 km run

    6 Roger Pilkington 1.23.07
    9 Peter McDonald 1.32.16
    15 Peter Hogan 1.42.19

    3 Helen Larmour 1.17.45
    5 Charlie McCormack 1.23.07
    6 Maria O'Reilly 1.23.07
    11 Bronwyn Calver 1.31.55
    12 Caroline Campbell 1.33.26

    Two-Peaks 26 km run

    21 Mick Horan 2.34.43
    24 Geoff Barker 2.44.46

    4 Emma Adams 2.26.30
    5 Kelley Flood 2.27.54

    Also on Sunday, the “Ben Donohoe” Fun Run; Barbara Tucker was third woman veteran. Well done!

    My training progress
    last week’s target: 76k
    achieved: 72k
    year total to date: 3,432k in 45 weeks
    this week’s target: 58k
    weight: 65.5kg ▼
    song of the week: “Headlights on Dark Roads”, by Snow Patrol, from "Eyes open".

    I can't really see where I am going; I seemed to do OK this week despite my back causing trouble. I don't seem to be able to predict from week to week how Thursday's track races will go; some weeks I am way faster than others, for no particular reason. This will be week four of my new training régime, and I will keep hanging in there. In theory, I should start noticing some results soon. Let's hope the results are positive ones. I will be easing off slightly and looking for a snappy time in the 3000m this week.

    Kelley snapped snapping.

    A quick return to form saw Kelley run a great "Two Peaks" race yesterday. Well ahead of two speedyganders! Peter who ran one-peak is in the photo too, and some other old geezer. And look, there's the other twin peaker, Emma, in the background.

    Sunday, 11 November 2007

    Events and Results

    Posted by speedygeoff on Sunday, November 11, 2007 with
    Still catching up on events from around the Territory:

    ACT Athletics
    Track season is underway on Saturdays with three weeks of interclub competition having been completed.

    27 Oct
    100m Thea Zimpel 16.20
    400m Thea Zimpel 1:17.40
    1500m Thea Zimpel 6:01.36

    3 Nov
    100m Thea Zimpel 15.92
    3000m Kathy Southgate 10:42.87 (Australian W50 record)
    5000m Thea Zimpel 22:15.98

    10 Nov
    60m Thea Zimpel 10.06
    300m Thea Zimpel 52.50
    1000m Thea Zimpel 3:42.87

    There are two more interclub competitions before Christmas. The middle distance races at these are

    17 Nov
    4:40pm 800m
    6:00pm 3000/5000

    1 Dec
    4:15pm 1500m

    Then on 3 and 10 January, ACT Athletics and Vets will be combining as they did this year.

    Relay preview
    There are no ACT W35 records for 4x800m or 4x1500m, and the W45 records are soft ones. The first opportunity to set a new record is on 29 November when the 4x1500m relay will be held. I know there are a number of speedygeese who are in those age groups. There's a 1500m this coming Thursday when you can try yourself over the distance and stake a claim for a team!

    Race Report - Mt Majura Vineyard Two Peaks Classic and One Peak Challenge, 10 November (by John Harding)

    Scott Imhoff of Weston Creek and Narelle Patrick of Yass took advantage of the cool overcast conditions to break the course records in today's Mt Majura Vineyard One Peak Challenge. Imhoff clocked 62 mins 25 seconds for the 15 km circuit up and down Mt Majura to finish almost 5 minutes ahead of runner up Travis Haslam with 67:10 and third placed Brent Rebecca with 67:53. Patrick finished fifth outright in running 71:08, with former champion Judith May next with 75:38 and last minute entrant Helen Larmour third in 77:45.

    Stuart Doyle of Hackett took out the 26 km Two Peaks Classic for the second year running in 1 hr 48 mins 25 secs, defeating 2007 Brindabella Classic winner Damian Green who ran 1:54:40 and world M55 mountain running champion Trevor Jacobs who clocked 1:56:04.

    There was no fairy tale 40th birthday victory for Jackie Fairweather in the women's field as Angela Bateup of Yass produced a scintillating performance, running 1:54:44 to be only a minute outside the course record of former world champion Emma Murray. Fairweather was runner-up in 2:01:46 and immediately headed out for extra kilometres to chalk up 40 kms for the day to mark her birthday. Orienteering international Jo Allison was third in 2:16:56.

    Helen in very good company

    Another day, another race, Charlie, Amanda, Helen and Maria

    Go Helen!

    Saturday, 10 November 2007

    Not walking; not in a straight line

    Posted by speedygeoff on Saturday, November 10, 2007 with
    Thursday results
    2000m steeple
    M60 Geoff Barker 10:58.89

    3000m steeple
    M50 Gary Bowen 13:22.92

    M45 Colin Farlow 2:15.58 82.8%
    M45 Rod Lynch 2:25.56 77.8
    W40 Katie Forestier 2:43.63 71.8
    M55 Geoff Moore 2:52.89 72.4
    M45 Roger Pilkington 2:55.29 65.2
    W35 Emma Adams 2:55.36 65.2
    W45 Helen Larmour 2:57.96 70.2
    W35 Bronwyn Calver 3:03.43 62.3
    M65 Tony Booth 3:03.52 74.6
    W55 Jill Brown 3:21.57 70.2
    M60 Geoff Barker 3:37.81 59.3

    M45 Rod Lynch 10:53.28 75.2%
    M45 Mick Horan 11:13.10 73.5
    W40 Katie Forestier 11:57.72 73.8
    M55 Geoff Moore 12:08.04 74.5
    W45 Helen Larmour 12:24.53 77.0
    W35 Bronwyn Calver 13:35.60 63.4
    M30 Adam Robinson 13:37.93 54.7
    W55 Kathy Sims 13:51.57 76.6
    M60 Geoff Barker 14:50.78 63.1
    M65 Tony Booth 15:21.96 64.5

    M45 Richard Faulks 18:53.93 75.1%
    M45 Roger Pilkington 21:08.71 67.1
    M50 Gary Bowen 21:11.68 68.1

    I spotted Barbara walking. Naughty girl!

    Still part of British law
    I tire of the predominantly US "jokes" in circulation. Not that there are any funny and original Aussie ones. Here is something of British origin, albeit still with the US style sense of "humour". Just a start at redressing the balance? A bit of jocularity never hurt anyone.*
    1. It is illegal to die in the Houses of Parliament.
    2. It is an act of treason to place a postage stamp bearing the British monarch upside-down
    3. In Liverpool, it is illegal for a woman to be topless except as a clerk in a tropical fish store
    4. Mince pies cannot be eaten on Christmas Day
    5. In Scotland, if someone knocks on your door and requires the use of your toilet, you must let them enter
    6. A pregnant woman can legally relieve herself anywhere she wants, including in a policeman's helmet
    7. The head of any dead whale found on the British coast automatically becomes the property of the king, and the tail of the queen
    8. It is illegal to avoid telling the tax man anything you do not want him to know, but legal not to tell him information you do not mind him knowing
    9. It is illegal to enter the Houses of Parliament in a suit of armour
    10. In the city of York it is legal to murder a Scotsman within the ancient city walls, but only if he is carrying a bow and arrow

    But is it just me, or is there a sameness about humour, world wide? Still, some of these are quite amusing the first time you see them.

    When people are free to do as they please, they usually imitate each other.

    *any references to election campaigns, jocularity, and people imitating people, are unintentional and are caused by media brain-washing.

    Friday, 9 November 2007

    Running around in circles

    Posted by speedygeoff on Friday, November 09, 2007 with
    Make hay while the sun shines
    Vets track last night was cool again, as it usually is this time of year. The numbers seemed down; not a lot of takers for the steeplechase, obviously. Then they all came out of the wood-work for the last race of the night, the 3000m/5000m. I heard a few complaints about the handicap starts I gave the 200m runners, ah, nothing's changed. We press on. Persistence is a virtue. Good to see Trevor there helping out, but I didn't really have a chance to catch up. I thought I saw Charlie in the stands, but it must have been an hallucination; I don't recall seeing her start in any of the races and she wasn't there when I looked a second time. Great runs by my speedygeese team-mates in the 800m and 3000m though. I survived both and ran darn sight faster times than I did in the last two weeks.

    1111 posts, doesn't time fly. That's why I am crazily running everything at the moment; making hay while the sun shines. And why I am swimming once a week, the fall-back plan has been put into operation. For when it's needed any year now.

    A game
    Here is one for you to go on, it's a complete waste of time: a paper throwing game. As for me, I am still playing WoggerMini, up to level 72 now. Keep on swimming, keep on swimming.

    What sun?

    Thursday, 8 November 2007

    Running ahead of schedule

    Posted by speedygeoff on Thursday, November 08, 2007 with
    Spring Series Race #1 Tuesday
    Molonglo Reach 5.0k
    6. Thea Zimpel gosling 21:45
    10. Rachelle Ellis-Brownlee W30 22:17
    23. Caroline Campbell W65 24:28
    29. Ruth Baussmann W55 26:05
    33. Mick Horan M45 20:01
    52. Roger Pilkington M45 21:56
    56. Geoff Moore M55 22:20
    69. Neil Boden M55 24:12
    71. Geoff Barker M60 24:32
    I ran with Rachelle, who ended up with a new 5k pb by ~2.15. She's happy! But she made me run a lot faster than I thought I would have to. Congratulations also to Thea who ran a fast time.

    BBQ Stakes 6.0k Wednesday
    Geoff Moore ~27:30
    Roger Pilkington ~29.40
    Not my best run, but I ran way ahead of schedule for the first 4.5k, then had to slow right down to a jog for the last 1.5k. Yet, over-all the time was more than two minutes faster than last week! Still sore after all these k's.

    How to run faster
    Thanks Kate. Cheers!

    Vote now!
    Who is your favourite ACT Athlete? Check out the bright & sparkly new ACT Athletics website and vote now! The new look website is most impressive.

    A famous Leunig cartoon

    Quite apt this week. It is a rare treat for me to be running a-head of schedule.

    Wednesday, 7 November 2007

    Let the party-ing begin

    Posted by speedygeoff on Wednesday, November 07, 2007 with
    Sunday's Speedy Jogalong-ers
    NameAge GroupTime
    Sonia VeldhovenW30 25:27
    Emma Adams W35 25:59
    Helen Larmour W45 26:58
    Maria O'Reilly W50 29:02
    Rachelle Ellis-Brownlee W30 29:17
    Amanda Walker W35 29:47
    Cathy Montalto W55 31:24
    Barbara Tucker W55 32:38
    Caroline Campbell W6534:59

    Vets Track Program Thursday 8 November
    6:30 pm2000m Steeple (low)
    6:45 pm3000m Steeple (high)
    7:30 pm800m
    8:10 pm3000m/5000m

    Geese in Noosa
    [from All-rounder] "found out Tim's results from Noosa - 18th in the M35-39 category in 2:15:09 (swim 26:01, ride 1:06:37, run 42:30)...apparently it was quite windy and very warm on the run... Al came 276th in the same category, 2:54:08 (swim 33:36, ride 1:19:09, run 1:01:23)...this was only Al's 2nd triathlon and 1st at this distance... "

    Vets News
    I have changed the look of "Vets News" on the website (again!) and added a "Breaking News" section:

  • Kathy Southgate breaks the Australian W50 3000m record at ACT interclub competition.

  • Alison Ide wins ACT’s “Master SportStar of the Year” Award for 2007.

  • I intend putting links to the relevant story, behind these items..

    Spring Series 5k at Molonglo Reach
    Results will be out shortly, when all will be re-vealed!! The best goose was Rachelle who improved her 5k all time personal best from 24:30 to 22:15. In one go. Fantastic effort by Rachelle. Just a few more days and she joins the W35 age-group, and will be eligible to run in W35 relay teams at the track with Bronwyn, Emma and Amanda. That's an awe-some four-some!

    Party-ing makes you faster

    Rachelle looking all set for a good time. And a fast time.
    Rachelle E-B is a potential president of the "Revive the Hyphen" society.

    Tuesday, 6 November 2007

    Revive the hyphen!

    Posted by speedygeoff on Tuesday, November 06, 2007 with
    I read that hyphens may be disappearing from our written language because of the increasing popularity of SMS's. Bring back the hyphen! Phase out excess apostrophes' usage instead!

    Training Monday Night saw Alan, Amanda, Emma, Ewen, Gary, GeoffB, GeoffM, Helen, Katie, Ken, Maria, MickH, Neil, Peter, Rachelle, Ruth and Sonia run five intervals (plus an introductory lap) of 670m on a circuit which included one short sharp up-hill. We re-grouped after each interval and re-started every five minutes. A good re-hearsal for the two-peaks mountain run some ill-advised members of the training-group will attempt this Saturday.

    Kelley's silver medal

    More than one person has asked me "Where's Kelley?" Since winning this silver medal at Bulls Head on the 21st, Kelley has been suffering from a bout of sciatica. Let's hope that avoiding steep down-hills for a while will help clear it up.

    How to get walkers to run.

    If you haven't encountered Japanese television before, I apologise for shocking you. This is but a mild example!

    Monday, 5 November 2007

    Monday Monitor

    Posted by speedygeoff on Monday, November 05, 2007 with
    My training progress
    last week’s target: 79k
    achieved: 49k
    year total to date: 3,360k in 44 weeks
    this week’s target: 76k
    weight: 66kg ▲
    song of the week: “Deathbed”, by Relient K, from "Five Score Years and Ten".

    General soreness made for a very lazy week. I could barely walk some days. I am persisting though, still trying to adapt to the tempo of my new training regime. Must be happy with slightly improving track times in the midst of it all. This week I will have to do more partying, to numb the pain. I enjoyed watching the Women's Jogalong yesterday. Sonia and Emma flew, and a large flock of geese ran, many under the thirty minute "barrier". It takes up to a week for the race results to appear on the Canberra Runner website, so I will be publishing the race results with delay.

    Even if is pouring rain tonight, training is on!


    Helen, Emma and Kelley at the training group dinner.

    Spring Series races conducted by the Cross Country Club:
    6 Nov – Molonglo Reach 2/5km, Menindee Drive, Parkes.
    13 Nov – Weston Park 2/5km, Weston Park Road.
    20 Nov – National Library 2/5km, Patrick White Lawns.
    27 Nov – North Curtin 2/5km, Dunstan St, off McCulloch St.
    4 Dec – Stromlo 2/5km, at the new Stromlo Forest Park.
    All Spring Series races are at 6pm.

    More non Motivation

    Sunday, 4 November 2007

    How To Run Faster AND Further

    Posted by speedygeoff on Sunday, November 04, 2007 with
    AS SUMMER APPROACHES and the days start getting longer, a young man’s thoughts turn to track. An old man’s too. And a young woman’s. (There are no old women reading this). Running on the track for many of us would usually mean running shorter, running faster. Last winter I stirred up some discussion by contending that to run faster, forget about pushing stride length out to its limit, but instead work on keeping a very fast cadence throughout your race, whether it be 400m or 5000m or anything in between.

    It all started during the Sydney 2000 Olympics, when I observed that runners in the middle and long distance track events all seemed to be racing at three single steps each second, which projects to about 180 steps per minute. It wasn’t until last track season that I thought to analyse the Vets to see if they were also stepping that quickly, and wasn’t surprised to see that some were, and others were running at a much slower tempo.

    Would it help the slower tempo runners if they tried increasing their tempo, I wondered? After some research and some testing out of ideas, here are my thoughts:
    • As runners tire in a race, they often try to maintain pace by extending their stride. This is a mistake. Far better to shorten the stride at this point, trying to maintain tempo.
    • Many novice runners tend to over-stride, but with practice they can shorten their natural stride length and so run faster.
    • If you discover that you run at considerably less than 180 steps per minute, you should work on reducing your stride length and increasing your tempo.
    • An over-long stride will add tension to the calf muscles and the hamstrings, and takes more effort than a quicker, shorter stride does.
    • A short stride allows you to pick up your feet more quickly off the ground, and run more lightly over the ground. A slower tempo and longer stride length means that you are in the air longer, you hit the ground harder, the footfall is heavier, there is more shock to your legs as you land, and you experience a deceleration effect.
    I suggest 180 steps per minute is the goal, but if your current rate is somewhat less, say 140, you might want to start off only a little faster, 150 or so. Checking your cadence and increasing it has worked well for a few of the runners who tend to over-stride; we should see from them in the future the ability to train over longer distances more comfortably, and a big improvement in their times this year.

    Music via ipod or MP3 player is ideal for managing this process of getting the legs to turn over more quickly. A free “Beat per Minute” analyser which we have been using for song selection for this purpose is available at

    A quick optimal tempo means you run lighter, you feel like you are skimming over the ground rather than ploughing into it, you are able to propel yourself more rapidly forward, you respond better to pace variations in a race, your foot is below your body sooner and stays on the ground for a shorter time. And you look good!

    Ever since first floating these ideas, I started hearing stories of runners who listened to what I had to say and were trying out the "three steps per second" recommendation, only to discover that it works. An example is the club member who is currently among the fastest women running the monthly 6k "Jogalong". She had run about 40 of them and recently managed to improve her race PB by twenty seconds, while focusing on maintaining the three steps per second tempo the whole way.

    A second example is the club member who is currently not among the fastest men running the weekly 6k "BBQ Stakes". During a recent run he tried keeping three steps per second going for the whole distance, managed it, and “out of the blue” ran a twenty second PB. He had run about 70 of these races.

    So there are two case histories demonstrating that it can work! For some who are already running at their optimum tempo it may not be effective, but for others, particularly the over-strider, I recommend you try it.

    What about my longer distance running, I hear you ask. (I have very good hearing). What running tempo should I adopt when I want to extend my training distances without slowing down too much? In what I am about to say, I am supposing that you run about as quickly as you can over the shorter distances, but when you start running for a longer time, the distance takes its toll and you tire very quickly. Or perhaps you have two speeds, as some have volunteered to me: sprinting and crawling! You want to know what approach to take when extending your runs to take in much longer distances, because you understand that going further gives you a better fitness base than what you have been doing? How do you run further at a decent pace without self-destructing?

    Well to start with, it is certainly true that more longer runs (to a point) make you fitter, and equip you to do better over shorter races.

    Secondly, the approach I recommend is similar to that which I have suggested helps you run faster! Here it is: to run further, yes you allow yourself to slow down; but you slow down by
    • shortening the stride (again), and
    • keeping up that fast tempo that you have been using for shorter distances.
    In other words, you don’t just slow down by stopping to a plod, or by striding out at a slower rate. You keep that good fast cadence going and cut the stride length down.

    The result is, you are actually running more slowly, but the legs are turning over at the same rate as usual. And you can do this right up to the marathon distance.

    Do remember, as you tire in a long run, it is important to do the same thing you should do as you tire in a race; try and keep that three steps a second (or whatever that optimum tempo is for you) going for as long as possible.

    This comes from my own experience: when I first started marathon training back in the 1970’s that is exactly what I did. I came off a background of specialising in the 800m, and the only way I could survive training runs of 20k or longer was to change my style so that the stride became much shorter. And it was the only way I could develop marathon strength while keeping most of my 800m speed. It worked: despite focusing solely on marathon training at the age of 40, and although I raced few 800s any more, I did manage a 2:02 800m “out of the blue”, which was within five seconds of my pb run 20 years earlier.

    So you CAN do long running in the track season, and lose very little of your short distance racing speed, provided you don’t just jog at a slow tempo all the time.

    Saturday, 3 November 2007

    Pretty Geese

    Posted by speedygeoff on Saturday, November 03, 2007 with
    A Game
    I haven't any new games to suggest because I am still ploughing through the series of "Wogger Mini" games I mentioned last time, they are quite addictive and great fun. I am up to chapter 55 and I don't know how many chapters there are, they seem to go on forever. As before, I recommend starting at Wogger Mini- Chapter 1 and proceeding from there.

    Speedygeese at the track
    Thursday 1 November
    M45 John Morton 60.73 81.0%
    M45 Colin Farlow 65.01 74.1
    M55 Mick Saunders 79.17 66.4
    W35 Emma Adams 71.45 71.9

    M45 Rod Lynch 4:55.25 79.4%
    M45 Mick Horan 5:02.07 78.3
    M45 Roger Pilkington 6:03.93 65.0
    M50 Gary Bowen 5:38.65 71.2
    M55 Geoff Moore 5:52.90 73.8
    M55 Neil Boden 6:12.98 68.6
    M55 Mick Saunders 6:18.12 68.9
    M65 Tony Booth 7:06.51 66.2
    W35 Emma Adams 5:27.54 73.7
    W35 Bronwyn Calver 6:12.41 64.8
    W40 Katie Forestier 5:32.90 74.6
    W65 Caroline Campbell 7:13.39 78.9

    4x100m Relay
    John Morton in a team which ran 50.71
    Gary Bowen in a team which ran 60.56
    Emma Adams and Bronwyn Calver in a team which ran 61.03

    Pennington 3000m
    2 Colin Farlow M45 10:24 78.5%
    3 John Morton M45 10:43 78.0
    4 Rod Lynch M45 10:53 75.6
    5 Richard Faulks M45 10:59 75.5
    6 Ken White M50 11:23 76.5
    8 Caroline Campbell W65 15:09 74.0
    9 Katie Forestier W40 12:12 72.4
    15 Kathy Sims W55 14:18 70.9
    16 Tony Booth M65 13:40 73.9
    17 Geoff Moore M55 13:01 69.9
    18 Roger Pilkington M45 12:37 65.7
    22 Margaret McSpadden W60 16:11 65.4
    23 Ruth Baussmann W55 15:29 66.2
    24 Bronwyn Calver W35 13:45 62.7

    Adler 5 lap spiral
    8 Tony Booth M65 10:31
    10 Roger Pilkington M45 9:20
    12 Kathy Sims W55 9:59
    15 Bronwyn Calver W35 9:30
    18 Ruth Baussmann W55 10:29
    19 Gary Bowen M50 8:37
    23 Geoff Moore M55 8:33
    25 Neil Boden M55 9:08
    26 Mick Saunders M55 9:04
    28 Caroline Campbell W65 10:33
    30 Margaret McSpadden W60 11:19
    31 Katie Forestier W40 9:14
    32 Ken White M50 9:01

    Pretty Geese

    Gary and Colin. Amongst others.

    Friday, 2 November 2007


    Posted by speedygeoff on Friday, November 02, 2007 with
    One virtue I champion in my training group is consistency. Of course, there are alternative views!

    Last night's track brought on the rain again; regardless, it was a better night than last week. I noticed that Colin and Ken had good runs in the 3000m "Pennington", Emma ran a 1500m for the very first time, and a 400m; Bronwyn completed six events on my count; and Emma and Bronwyn featured in two excellent baton changes in the 4x100m relay, just as if they had been practising.

    This season quite a few new people are competing; now if only we could attract a few more old people!

    I struggled through three events and did OK, but I had to fend off serious leg soreness between runs. And my right foot seized up later last night but seems better this morning. That's four injuries now and counting!

    Many other speedygeese ran track and all the results will be available soon.

    50,000 visits
    Colin and Katie received their Caramel Koala prizes last night, for being rare.

    There may be more such random contests, keep reading! One which I will foreshadow now, although it is some way down the track, is a special prize of a book for my 50,000th blog visit! More about that later. It is quite a long way off yet but the more often you visit the better the chance you will have!

    Stretch 15 - Rhomboid/rotator cuff

    Stand with feet slightly apart and arms at your sides. Lift one arm, with the elbow locked, and raise it across your chest toward the opposite side.