An FB comment from Stuart: "...another, very often forgotten magic cure is rest...I mean proper rest... Just give yourself a week or two complete time-out every one in a blue moon. And I mean real time out. No cross training, no rollers, just hot baths, sleep-ins and lazy walks in the park if you're going stir-crazy...
Sometimes your body just needs a holiday... From attention of an over-active mind (I'm speaking from experience).
Anyway, can't hurt if done once a year or when all else is failing."
Here we go ... 3 fabulous weeks in the Kimberley ... the tour starts in a few days' time ...

The orange circles show the number of nights we are staying in each location ...
We will be at Cable Beach, Broome for two extra nights prior to all this.
Don't worry, training back here is organised in advance, as are blog posts.
During this time, photos of the trip will appear on my Facebook page and maybe on my instagram account as well.
Sometimes your body just needs a holiday... From attention of an over-active mind (I'm speaking from experience).
Anyway, can't hurt if done once a year or when all else is failing."
Here we go ... 3 fabulous weeks in the Kimberley ... the tour starts in a few days' time ...

The orange circles show the number of nights we are staying in each location ...
We will be at Cable Beach, Broome for two extra nights prior to all this.
Don't worry, training back here is organised in advance, as are blog posts.
During this time, photos of the trip will appear on my Facebook page and maybe on my instagram account as well.