At Parliament House on Easter Monday Jen, Isaac, Bron, Dom, Dave & I ran early. Then at 5:30pm after a warm-up we repeated last week’s Rose garden session, with various intervals: On 2:15 Colin, 2:25 Dave and Andrew; 2:35 Rohan; 2:40 Pieta and Bron; 2:50 Susan and Andy; 3:00 Caroline, Ruth, Diana and Alex, while Bronwyn ran 13 steady laps and Dom joined in for ~5 laps while I supervised, a full time job with all the various start times.
This Thursday speedygeese track training @ Dickson Playing Fields resumes. The fields may be closed this week but we will have a run there; while next week the lights will be on and the track will be open, I believe.
If you are joining us on Sunday at Stromlo Forest Park, our 7:30am start when daylight saving ends means you get an extra hour's sleep-in.

Happy Birthday Warrick 46 today, and Isaac 12 last Monday.
This Thursday speedygeese track training @ Dickson Playing Fields resumes. The fields may be closed this week but we will have a run there; while next week the lights will be on and the track will be open, I believe.
If you are joining us on Sunday at Stromlo Forest Park, our 7:30am start when daylight saving ends means you get an extra hour's sleep-in.

Happy Birthday Warrick 46 today, and Isaac 12 last Monday.