Speedygeese training on a holiday Monday: daylight Saving, hurray! I ran 8k early and it was warm at 4:30pm, very nice. Dom & Bron completed 5k. Then for the main session Peter, Colin, Jen & Bron ran 12 x 150 with a 50 or 100m alternating recovery; Dom, Isaac and William (new) ran some 50ms with 100m recoveries plus rest. Garry joined in with sprints and rests. I trotted around supervising. I still managed to total 18k for the day and my maximum heart-rate was 150bpm towards the end of the 8k and 135bpm later. Every run with normal heart-rates gives me added confidence. Sadly my hip was sore Tuesday and I rested but I will be back into the swing of things soon I hope.

Then today one hour solid in the gym and I feel a lot better. But it was hard going!

Then today one hour solid in the gym and I feel a lot better. But it was hard going!