I am finding it hard to plan ahead so I shall let things be for a while and take it as it comes. Have seen floods, fires, childishness from alleged leaders of our nation, feral magpies, all too much. I shall just post here one day at a time and try to ignore it all. At least "Chaser" is back on tonight to bring some sanity to everything.
Comic relief

So here I am posting one day at a time. The report on Monday’s training: I ran 5k early, then the group of speedygeese who showed up for training included Andrew, Andy, Christopher, Colin, Garry, me, Jen, Peter, and Warrick. So, unusually, eight guys and only one girl, and she had raced 20k on mountains on Saturday. No excuse for the rest then! We ran on the grass oval because the tracks were a little damp and slippery. 5 x 80m jogging back, then 12 x 200m with 200m recovery, 5 x 80m again, and 3 x 400m with 200m in between each. The young boys weren't there either so if they come next week I have a modified version of that session for them. The surface was excellent and there was no rain at all between 4:30pm and 7:00pm. Can't say the same for earlier in the day nor later that evening.

The start of Saturday's 20k vineyard run. Finishers get a bottle of wine each, although not the swooping version above. What a lovely warm sunny day it was on Saturday. Whatever happened after that? I finally gave up and re-lit the fire yesterday morning, the outside temperature in Holt was 7 degrees all day.
"Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself: sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof." Jesus said that. Not those exact words but you get the idea.
Comic relief

So here I am posting one day at a time. The report on Monday’s training: I ran 5k early, then the group of speedygeese who showed up for training included Andrew, Andy, Christopher, Colin, Garry, me, Jen, Peter, and Warrick. So, unusually, eight guys and only one girl, and she had raced 20k on mountains on Saturday. No excuse for the rest then! We ran on the grass oval because the tracks were a little damp and slippery. 5 x 80m jogging back, then 12 x 200m with 200m recovery, 5 x 80m again, and 3 x 400m with 200m in between each. The young boys weren't there either so if they come next week I have a modified version of that session for them. The surface was excellent and there was no rain at all between 4:30pm and 7:00pm. Can't say the same for earlier in the day nor later that evening.

The start of Saturday's 20k vineyard run. Finishers get a bottle of wine each, although not the swooping version above. What a lovely warm sunny day it was on Saturday. Whatever happened after that? I finally gave up and re-lit the fire yesterday morning, the outside temperature in Holt was 7 degrees all day.
"Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself: sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof." Jesus said that. Not those exact words but you get the idea.