Early run with Miranda. Photo by Ewen.
At training on Monday Miranda, Ewen and I ran 8k at 4:30pm, then we were joined by Bron, Colin, Dom (new), Kathy, Lola (new), Leonie, Marilyn, Peter, Ruth & Warrick. Shane, on a bicycle, was there also to support wife Bron and children Dom and Lola. After a couple of warm-up hills, we ran 10 x up to 100m hills more or less continuously, then did 5 runs up the big hill finishing at the fence to see the lights of North Canberra. At the top, we were being watched carefully by one of the guards. I guess it gave him something to do; it must be pretty quiet up there most of the time, with only the occasional magpie swoop to keep him on his toes.
Twenty people came along to the informal speedygeese dinner after training; ten of those who trained and ten others. Quite an unexpectedly large turn-out! Abi, Shane with Bron and their two children, and Carolyne, Cathy N, Ewen, Richard with Jen and 3 children, and Kathy, Marilyn, Andy R with Miranda, and Ruth, Warrick and me. The food was great! As was the company.

In other news:

Congratulations to my grandson Jarod who received the best-on-ground trophy after his team won their under 14 Premiership. He plays for the Shellharbour Swans.