Whether you are at training or not, you are welcome to come to the next speedygeese dinner at the Canberra Southern Cross Club/Yacht Club (in Mariner Pl Yarralumla).
Monday 8 September
6:45pm or so, straight after training
Very informal, come as you are
We order from the snack menu at the bar
There is no need to confirm attendance; just rock in.
Please bring others if you so desire.
Last Monday night at Parliament House Ewen and I ran 8k early, then speedygeese training consisted of our favourite session: Rose Garden 200s. Colin ran loops on 2:15, Kym and Warrick on 2:30, and Isaac (new), Jen, Leonie, Larena, Marilyn and Ruth on 3:00, some of the latter taking rests as needed. It was neither cold nor pitch black; days are getting warmer and longer.

Ruth is running well, she didn't need rests on Monday. Here she is competing in the ACTVAC Half Marathon on 23 August.
Monday 8 September
6:45pm or so, straight after training
Very informal, come as you are
We order from the snack menu at the bar
There is no need to confirm attendance; just rock in.
Please bring others if you so desire.
Last Monday night at Parliament House Ewen and I ran 8k early, then speedygeese training consisted of our favourite session: Rose Garden 200s. Colin ran loops on 2:15, Kym and Warrick on 2:30, and Isaac (new), Jen, Leonie, Larena, Marilyn and Ruth on 3:00, some of the latter taking rests as needed. It was neither cold nor pitch black; days are getting warmer and longer.

Ruth is running well, she didn't need rests on Monday. Here she is competing in the ACTVAC Half Marathon on 23 August.