5:45pm 5000m walk
6:10pm long hurdles 400m/300m/ 200m
6:25pm 60m
7:00pm 800m
7:30pm 200m
8:00pm 3000m
8:15pm 10000m ACT (open) championship
8:20pm relay 4 x 100m

6:10pm long hurdles 400m/300m/ 200m
6:25pm 60m
7:00pm 800m
7:30pm 200m
8:00pm 3000m
8:15pm 10000m ACT (open) championship
8:20pm relay 4 x 100m

1. At training last night Alan, Amanda, Christopher, Emma, Ewen, Helen, Julie, Katie, Ken, Neil, Richard, and I ran, in three teams of four, a relay where on a 930m loop we each did 620m hard running and a 930m recovery. Times three.
2. Emma ran a great 26:40 for the jogalong last Sunday, a pb by over two minutes, while Helen ran it with Kerrie as a tempo run in 29:37.
3. I plan to run something Thursday night; it may not be the 10k, it may be the 3k or even a slow 800. LuckyLegs is also having a go at an 800m, should be good to watch.