quote of the week: "Success is largely a matter of holding on after others have let go."
My training progress
last week's target: 110k
achieved: 112k
year total to date: 418k in 4 weeks
this week’s target: 120k
weight: 63kg, down 1kg & staying there.
song of the week: Thom Yorke - Harrowdown Hill, from "The Eraser"
The first of the Monthly Vets Handicaps was run on Sunday at Campbell Park. There are eleven of these each year, but we can run only ten, as we help out for one of the runs.
Here are the results for the speedy geese
Campbell Park 6k
13 Peter McDonald M50 28:53
15 Mick Horan M45 24:40
17 Christopher Lang M55 30:47
19 Annette Sugden W40 32:27
20 Amanda Walker W35 28:16
22 Charmaine Knobel W50 29:58
29 Jeni Greenland W30 30:27
31 Roger Pilkington M45 25:39
32 Richard Faulks M45 24:35
66 Margaret McSpadden W55 33:56
71 John Alcock M60 30:47
74 Ruth Baussmann W55 33:03
78 Mick Charlton M55 32:35
87 Peter Hogan M55 31:36
88 Gabrielle Brown W40 34:30
Campbell Park 3k
3 Ken White M50 13:01 - gold medal!
18 Carol Baird W55 14:00
20 Geoff Moore M55 12:13
21 Gary Bowen M45 12:31
23 Katie Forestier W40 12:50
39 Neil Boden M55 14:40

My training progress
last week's target: 110k
achieved: 112k
year total to date: 418k in 4 weeks
this week’s target: 120k
weight: 63kg, down 1kg & staying there.
song of the week: Thom Yorke - Harrowdown Hill, from "The Eraser"
"We think the same things at the same time
We just can't do anything about it...
Can you see me when I'm running?"
We just can't do anything about it...
Can you see me when I'm running?"
The first of the Monthly Vets Handicaps was run on Sunday at Campbell Park. There are eleven of these each year, but we can run only ten, as we help out for one of the runs.
Here are the results for the speedy geese
Campbell Park 6k
13 Peter McDonald M50 28:53
15 Mick Horan M45 24:40
17 Christopher Lang M55 30:47
19 Annette Sugden W40 32:27
20 Amanda Walker W35 28:16
22 Charmaine Knobel W50 29:58
29 Jeni Greenland W30 30:27
31 Roger Pilkington M45 25:39
32 Richard Faulks M45 24:35
66 Margaret McSpadden W55 33:56
71 John Alcock M60 30:47
74 Ruth Baussmann W55 33:03
78 Mick Charlton M55 32:35
87 Peter Hogan M55 31:36
88 Gabrielle Brown W40 34:30
Campbell Park 3k
3 Ken White M50 13:01 - gold medal!
18 Carol Baird W55 14:00
20 Geoff Moore M55 12:13
21 Gary Bowen M45 12:31
23 Katie Forestier W40 12:50
39 Neil Boden M55 14:40

1. I have now completed 149 Vets handicaps.
2. Ken said he was "embarrassed" to win the Frylink trophy. I wouldn't be!
3. The human race has progressed SO far ....
Happy Monday!