A very good M65 runner
I spied in the SA Masters News that South Australian Peter Sandery, who seems able to train and race hard all year without any serious injury problems, has turned 65 and has set some very fast times in international competition; 2:31 for the 800, 5:02 for the 1500, 18:50 for the 5000, and 39:50 in the 10,000.
His advice? In training, run 5 or 6 x 1000m repetitions, at target race pace initially, in later sessions running faster than target for the first and last part of each interval.
And run sprint sessions of 6-12 reps of 60-100m.
"The aim of these sessions is to run as fast as you can while maintaining a smooth style".
"A race shouldn't be a step into unknown territory, but rather a confirmation of what training has prepared you for. It should also provide motivation to do the high intensity training that running at your best requires."

1. Trevor Jacobs broke the ACT M55 steeplechase record late last night at Vets track, taking about 40 seconds off Bernie Millett's time.
2. Of the speedygeese, the Farlow/Walker combination excelled in the 1500m, with Colin breaking 4:30 for the first time for a couple of years, and Amanda cracking the 6 minute barrier for the first time. On the same day their one year old Ben walked for the first time. Maria made the ultimate sacrifice and chose to miss out and babysit Ben while his parents ran.
3. I also ran the 1500m - and I felt sore as usual at pace, but awfully slow as well, yet equalled last season’s SB of 5:23, only six seconds slower than my first quarter 007 goal. A very promising start! In particular, the longer races' targets look more achievable now.