My training progress
last week's target: 80k, actual 102k
weight: 64kg and holding
I am feeling 95% better. Now to get fit, again!
How Speedy Geese are going:
Long-Distance World Triathlon Championships
212 Bob Harlow 8:04.47
Way to go!
ACTA track Saturday
W50 Kathy Southgate 5:02.76 ACT W50 record
M55 Trevor Cobbold 5:04.84
Trevor, you took the lead and got swamped!
One Peak Challenge (15km)
10 Charlie McCormack 1:24.44
19 Charmaine Knobel 1:34.31
The "Chars" have it.
ACTCCC Spring Series – Weston Park last Tuesday
Women 5k
24 Carolyn Campbell 26.15
Men 5k
36 Roger Pilkington 22:08
47 Geoff Moore 23.10
48 Mick Saunders 23:35
69 Mick Charlton 30:00
Surface Soft and "Springy" alright
Springing to Victory

1. Temperatures of 30 and above are forecast all this week. Drink early drink often!
2. I went and watched the triathlon yesterday. After the freezing weather we had mid-week, so hot! The competitors were very inspiring. Well done to Bob Harlow for pushing through the pain and finishing. The Canberra Times has a one page coverage today, and all the final times.
3. song of the week: Always Look on the Bright Side of Life – Eric Idle. Sung at a recent celebrity funeral.