Warm-up! More important than you thought!
How important is a warm up? Whatever your answer, a warm up is more important than that!
You should always allow time to perform some type of warm-up routine for all racing, tempo runs, and speed work sessions. A warmer muscle moves faster, has a better range of motion, and is less prone to injury. Blood flow is improved and the strain on the heart is reduced. Sweating is initiated so over-heating is less likely.
A good warm up starts with light jogging, then adds some flexibility exercises after the jog. Then after a bit more jogging, proceeds to getting the legs moving at racing or training tempo but with shorter strides at first, and finally ends up with a couple of run-throughs at race or training speed, striding out but keeping the distance short at first.
Then you will be ready to work at your best...
Michael Roche is running well again
Running quote of the day: Big occasions and races which have been eagerly anticipated almost to the point of dread, are where great deeds can be accomplished. - Jack LovelockFOOTNOTES

2. More quotes from today's movie, which I have just acquired on DVD.
"Speed. I am speed."
"She just likes me for my body"
Yesterday's movie was "Men In Black" - in the list of ten movies with "The best use of sunglasses".
3. I am planning a slow 3000m at a cooler night tonight at Vets. See you there?
clear advantage