"My whole feeling in terms of racing is that you have to be very bold. You sometimes have to be aggressive and gamble." - Bill Rodgers
ACTVAC this coming Thursday
6.00 3000m, Weight Throw, Pole Vault
6.15 60m
6.30 1000/5000m Walk
6.45 High Jump
7.00 1500m, Javelin, Shot
7.30 400m
7.45 Long Jump, Javelin, Shot, 200m Hurdles
8.00 4 x 200m Relay
8.15 Spiral 7
Over the next few days I will be publishing an article by Nic Bideau called "Coaching Middle and Long Distance Runners: A Commentary". The article appeared in “Modern Athlete and Coach” - Volume 44, Number 3, July 2006. I have permission to reproduce the article.
“Nic Bideau has become one of Australia’s most successful coaches. His involvement at the elite level in track and field has spanned more than two decades and his collective experiences as a sports journalist, manager, and coach have enabled him to mix with some of the greats in middle and long distance running. These experiences have assisted in shaping his views on coaching endurance athletes. Here he outlines some insights into his coaching philosophy.”
This is one of the very best articles I have read on the subject, I highly recommend you read it. For the rest of the week parts of the article will appear here.


ACTVAC this coming Thursday
6.00 3000m, Weight Throw, Pole Vault
6.15 60m
6.30 1000/5000m Walk
6.45 High Jump
7.00 1500m, Javelin, Shot
7.30 400m
7.45 Long Jump, Javelin, Shot, 200m Hurdles
8.00 4 x 200m Relay
8.15 Spiral 7
Over the next few days I will be publishing an article by Nic Bideau called "Coaching Middle and Long Distance Runners: A Commentary". The article appeared in “Modern Athlete and Coach” - Volume 44, Number 3, July 2006. I have permission to reproduce the article.
“Nic Bideau has become one of Australia’s most successful coaches. His involvement at the elite level in track and field has spanned more than two decades and his collective experiences as a sports journalist, manager, and coach have enabled him to mix with some of the greats in middle and long distance running. These experiences have assisted in shaping his views on coaching endurance athletes. Here he outlines some insights into his coaching philosophy.”
This is one of the very best articles I have read on the subject, I highly recommend you read it. For the rest of the week parts of the article will appear here.

1. Running 18k this morning in the heat was hard. Next time I bring three bottles of drink, not two.
2. Alan Duus backed up from last night's training to run this morning. He said the 600m intervals and recoveries felt very long. Welcome back Charmaine to our Monday sessions, too.
3. Bloglines suddenly woke up and discovered my last nine posts. It discovered some other bloggers' posts too. So welcome back if you haven't visited for a while!