The ten best use of sunglasses in film according to Paste Magazine.
10. Men in Black
9. Midnight Run
8. Blade
7. Cool Hand Luke
6. Top Gun
5. Reservoir Dogs
4. The Matrix
3. Risky Business
2. The Terminator
1. Blues Brothers
how we trained: Last night it was "follow the leader" around the gardens steps and slopes of parliament house. A welcome break from more intense running.
After training I took speedyjenny to our favourite restaurant, the 2 sisters at Kippax, where we enjoyed beautiful food - yellow curry with chicken; and Wok flamed mixed seafood in chilli, garlic and basil. Yummo! As well as a McGuigan Merlot. And a very special desert. A nice way to relax at the end of the day.
Tonight at 6pm is the first of the ACTCCC Spring Series races, a 5k event at Molonglo Reach. It's a flat course, so I might go and run it!
Now it's off to try and make it rain. I will hang up the washing, then wash the car. Ah, retirement!