Monday 5 November 2018

My running streak day 57

Posted by speedygeoff on Monday, November 05, 2018 with
I ran a full 9.4k today - 3k in the morning, when I also did one of those intense Group Active exercise classes, not 100% not sore as usual, then in the evening a jog up and down and around Parliament House hills, supervising a group of highly fit young and relatively new speedygeese. Running 6 of our "figure eight" west side circuits were Craig, Bernardo, Allie, Peach (new: dog!), Giles, Richard (fast!), Gwen, Paul and Michael with me doing part of it.
West side figure 8 circuits include 5 push-ups each lap, and they all did them!!! (except perhaps the dog).

speedygoose Carolyne at parkrun. She never stops trying despite setbacks. An inspiration, what's your excuse?