Thursday at Dickson: Jen, Julia, Marie and I ran 7k early. Then our track session was {2x2mins(2)+2x1(1)}x2(5) and enjoyed by Colin, Dave, Julia, Julia McD, Maria, Marie, Roger, Susan, Thea and Tori. There were fast runners from another group flashing by as well.

Monday at Parliament House on a pleasant evening reminiscent of spring, Dan, Miranda and I ran 8k early; Cathy, Christopher, Colin, Ruth, Susan and Warrick participated in the 5:30pm session where we ran six Rose Garden 200s on 2:30, and did 85 burpees.
Not every speedygoose runs as their main sport. Here's young Dom: I bet he could complete 85 burpees with ease.

Photo by Shane.
For balance we should include a pic of the very fit Lola.

Doesn't she look like her mum?

Monday at Parliament House on a pleasant evening reminiscent of spring, Dan, Miranda and I ran 8k early; Cathy, Christopher, Colin, Ruth, Susan and Warrick participated in the 5:30pm session where we ran six Rose Garden 200s on 2:30, and did 85 burpees.
Not every speedygoose runs as their main sport. Here's young Dom: I bet he could complete 85 burpees with ease.

Photo by Shane.
For balance we should include a pic of the very fit Lola.

Doesn't she look like her mum?