Tuesday, 8 May 2012

pons absconditus

Posted by speedygeoff on Tuesday, May 08, 2012 with
Speedygeese results for Customs 5k on Friday 4 May: Andrew 19.50, Jen 21.45, Caroline 28.27

Where has our footbridge gone???

The footbridge was on the course of nearly every training run I did from work over the years. Fortunately it's not part of the Ginninderra Handicap course or the new Parkrun course. But its absence means we now have to detour past the skate park in order to get around the lake. Oh joy!

My first "race" since the 50k is planned to be Saturday's Parkrun #3. Saturday morning training has been at Acton Ferry Terminal for over a year now, but I have decided we will instead run with Parkrun which meets at the same time, 8.00am Saturdays. This will mean arriving at John Knight Park, Lake Ginninderra, Saturday mornings, doing a short warm-up, running the Parkrun 5k, and then coming for a longer training run afterwards. Some could just join us for the training run on the days they couldn't make the 5k. Parkrun is free and fun and easy to run, any time one participates one could jog it or use it as a tempo run or race it. To be part of Parkrun, you only have to register once, in advance, and print off your bar-code which you must then take to each run. Full details are at the website, http://www.parkrun.com.au/ginninderra/home. I encourage everyone to join in.

My first real race hopefully will be the Half Marathon on the 20th. I note that widespread heavy rain is forecast for that day and the rest of May as well. Let's hope that it is not too cold with it.

Pink Jets
(can you spot Cookie, Bronwyn?)

Song of the Week: "Run For Your Life", by The Fray - http://youtu.be/Z-4zx3DrMFA

*today's title is a reference to a mysterious bridge in the novel Un Lun Dun by China Miéville. My titles will always have some legitimate meaning or other, even if somewhat obscure at times.