Song of the week: "Yet", by Switchfoot.
"I'll run until my heart caves in". Jon Foreman is the singer/song writer at the front of Switchfoot.
Running at Parliament House yesterday were Andrew, Brett, Bronwyn, Cathy, Damian, me, Helen, Jodie, Katherine B (new), Kym, Leanne, Mick C & Nadine. 200 on 100 off x 12 = 4 laps of the 900m circuit again.
Coming up on Sunday mornings at 8:00am I will be training at SFP, while on the next two Mondays, weather permitting, 18/10 and 25/10, I plan to hold a session of 3-2-1-1/2-1-2-3 mins with same recovery back at Parliament House. After that, from 1 November on, we move back to longer intervals, but if there are 800m specialists attending, which I expect there will be, we will split into two groups with the second group continuing with shorter intervals suitable for 800m runners. Anyone attending can choose to do either types of training.
Lauren's 400m hurdles - not the Australian coverage, as you may notice! Show them how good you are, Lauren.

1. CCC AGM tomorrow (Wednesday) night. Canberra Southern Cross Club Woden at 6pm.
2. Vets Track Thursday, AIS Athletics Track, 6pm
3. Happy Birthday Craig, 42 today!