Some very fit migratory geese

Goose Fact #1: “Every time wild geese go on their amazing migratory journey, they fly along, not too far above ground, and call out to any geese on the ground to join them in their flight.”
It’s a rescue mission. It’s not (just) for us, it’s (also) for them. That’s why I want to see the group increase, in numbers! No power play here. No megalomania. Merely a desire to see everyone involved in life enhancing activity!
There's another report today that Australian are getting fatter and lazier. Well it’s obvious, you just have to stand outside Kingsleys at Kippax for example and watch the very wide customers negotiate the very wide doors and sit on the well-spaced apart seats and eat their fatty fast foods. The only non-fat people I have seen so far in there are the girlies behind the counter.
From JILL STARK (The Age):
"THE fat epidemic is not slowing. More than half of adult Australians are considered overweight or obese. Figures from the Australian Social Trends report show that 36 per cent of adults in 2005 were overweight — a jump of 3 per cent since 1995 — while obesity rates rose from 13 per cent to 18 per cent over the same period. Almost two-thirds (62 per cent) of men were fat, their average weight up from 80 kilograms to 84 kilograms. Average weight for women rose from 65 kilograms to 68 kilograms, with 45 per cent considered overweight or obese.
"But despite 7.5 million people carrying excess weight, most are in denial. Almost half (47 per cent) of men and a fifth (21 per cent) of women who were overweight or obese thought they were a healthy weight. Obesity rates are up across all age groups, with the greatest rise among men aged 35 to 44. Even migrants who arrive in Australia with a healthy weight are soon caught up in the obesity epidemic. Fifteen per cent of people who were born overseas and arrived in Australia before 1996, and 11 per cent of those who arrived between 1996 and 2005, are obese."
We are an inclusive group. It is really important we welcome others into our training group, others who may not feel they do not fit the "mould". Wild geese call to domesticated geese to join them. Let's do the same.

Three Speedy Geese in Capri. From CJ’s blog. Lots more travel photos there.
Goose Fact #1: “Every time wild geese go on their amazing migratory journey, they fly along, not too far above ground, and call out to any geese on the ground to join them in their flight.”
It’s a rescue mission. It’s not (just) for us, it’s (also) for them. That’s why I want to see the group increase, in numbers! No power play here. No megalomania. Merely a desire to see everyone involved in life enhancing activity!
There's another report today that Australian are getting fatter and lazier. Well it’s obvious, you just have to stand outside Kingsleys at Kippax for example and watch the very wide customers negotiate the very wide doors and sit on the well-spaced apart seats and eat their fatty fast foods. The only non-fat people I have seen so far in there are the girlies behind the counter.
From JILL STARK (The Age):
"THE fat epidemic is not slowing. More than half of adult Australians are considered overweight or obese. Figures from the Australian Social Trends report show that 36 per cent of adults in 2005 were overweight — a jump of 3 per cent since 1995 — while obesity rates rose from 13 per cent to 18 per cent over the same period. Almost two-thirds (62 per cent) of men were fat, their average weight up from 80 kilograms to 84 kilograms. Average weight for women rose from 65 kilograms to 68 kilograms, with 45 per cent considered overweight or obese.
"But despite 7.5 million people carrying excess weight, most are in denial. Almost half (47 per cent) of men and a fifth (21 per cent) of women who were overweight or obese thought they were a healthy weight. Obesity rates are up across all age groups, with the greatest rise among men aged 35 to 44. Even migrants who arrive in Australia with a healthy weight are soon caught up in the obesity epidemic. Fifteen per cent of people who were born overseas and arrived in Australia before 1996, and 11 per cent of those who arrived between 1996 and 2005, are obese."
We are an inclusive group. It is really important we welcome others into our training group, others who may not feel they do not fit the "mould". Wild geese call to domesticated geese to join them. Let's do the same.