"The studies released today have painted a grim picture of a slothful, unhealthy nation of people eating poorly and exercising inadequately.
"One of the surveys, of 16,000 adult Australians, showed one in four - 25 per cent - meet physical activity guidelines, while 55 per cent eat enough fruit and 15 per cent eat enough vegetables.
"But an alarmingly small number - fewer than five per cent - met the criteria for all three guidelines ... "
...see rest of article here.
A third "Bonte" game - loose the moose! This one is only slightly tricky, you may need to know that a series of steps at the end of the game is repeated...
Yesterday at Dickson we welcomed Bronwyn, Colin, Gary, Kathy, Ken, Margaret, Matthew, Mick H, Rod, Roger, Ruth and Tim who ran an 8x220m relay followed by an 8x90m shuttle relay in teams of three.
Rumour has it that the AIS track will be ready in time for the opening of the track season in October. Which is not far away! We will be continuing our twice-a-week speed-endurance training until then.