It looks very Christmassy .. and most weeks are like this.
Thanks Ruth photos, James champagne, Jenny mince pies.
Training consisted of 200m intervals with 100m float. Most did 9x, some did 12x, Richard did 15x.
Present were Peter, Andrew, Pieta, Richard, Gwen, Liam (new), Ewen, Max, James, Ruth, Brad (new), Jenny, Dave, Paul, Jen, Isaac, Daniel, Brownie, Yelena and me makes 20.
I ran 11k for the day, it's good to get out again after a week off because of unprecedented smoke across the ACT.
My plan A in coming days is: Wed 25th Burley Griffin parkrun (first timer), Sat 28th Ginninderra parkrun, Mon 30th next SG training session, Wed 1st Mt Ainslie parkrun, and Thu 2nd resume Thursday training at SFP.