Friday, 9 February 2018

This week’s speedygeese training sessions

Posted by speedygeoff on Friday, February 09, 2018 with
Sunday 04 February long run report [Dave]:
With a nippy 16 degrees and overcast conditions, 22 speedygeese headed off from Forde shops for the Sunday morning 7am ritual, this time at Mulligans Flat thanks to Jen Blake. Welcome to newbies Sue, Paul and Katrina and some returning including Margaret, Jenny M, Kelly, James and Monika. The usuals included Shiree, Thach, Janene, Sandeep, William, Browny, Jen Br, Giles, Ruth, Jen Bl, Ewen, Graham, Narelle and me. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
The lead pack set a cracking pace, helped by the course being relatively flat (thanks Jen). Monika and William were standout performers, followed by a few strugglers - Jen, Narelle and I. Narelle slowed up at the end with a stitch, while Jen was tiring and I’m just old. Monika even had time to throw in some chin-ups on the way. ๐Ÿ˜ฑ
Thach, Giles and a couple of others were smart enough to slow down in the second half (and did I mention they got lost?). ๐Ÿ˜‚
Ewen decided to make his run more interesting by adding 15 x 500s. Must be a new thing recommended by some famous coach – long slow run with fast bits. ๐Ÿค”
It was nice to see Mick at the end as well as Bob, Carolyne, David B and Bron, who turned up for coffee. ๐Ÿ™‚ ☕
Thanks for the run everyone. See you next week and don’t forget speedwork at Parliament House 5.30pm Monday and at Stromlo Forest Park 5.30pm Thursday. ๐Ÿค“

Monday 05 February at Parliament House: 31 degrees and sunny meant that we headed for the shade of the Parliament House Rose Gardens again this week, and ran relays in teams of three and two. Present were Ruth, Ewen, Kelley, Giles, Colin, Pieta, Sandeep, Bron, Dom, Isaac, Jennie, Lisa, Mick H (new), Tori, Dave, Jen, Craig with me doing little more than watching.

Thursday 08 February at Stromlo Forest Park: Another warm night, the clouds came over just in time. Running 6 x 500m hill loops on 5 minutes were Janene, Sandeep, Jen, Isaac, Jennie, Nicole, and me doing the timing. No Gosling session tonight as it had promised to be hot.