Last Sunday it was just me walking 5k at Stromlo Forest Park. I have been walking ~5k every day except Monday when it was ~10. So on Monday Dave C, Dave W and I were out early. For the main session, Jen & Laura came to walk and watch with me while the others 400m continuous relays for 25 minutes from the tennis court. Participating were Andy, Bron, Caroline, Christopher, Colin, Dave B2, Dave C, Dave W, Diana, Dom, Garry, Isaac, Mick, Pieta, Rae & Ruth. And 17 were at dinner afterwards: Andy, Bron, Caroline, Christopher, Dave W, Diana, Dom, Garry, me, Jen, Isaac, Laura, Mick, Rae, Ruth, Thomas & Warrick.

Thanks Ruth for the pics (which is why she isn't in them). And four youngsters had their own table.

Thanks Ruth for the pics (which is why she isn't in them). And four youngsters had their own table.