ACT Competitors
Australian Masters Championships Hobart 2014 March 8th to 10th
1. Booth, Tony speedygoose
2. Bourke, Sue
3. Burge, Conrad
4. Campbell, Raelene
5. Chapman, Frank
6. Chisholm, Kym speedygoose
7. Clarke, David speedygoose
8. Collins, Corinne ex speedygoose
9. Connor, Stephen
10. Forestier, Katie ex speedygoose
11. Gleeson, Gwen
12. Graham, Bruce
13. Grey, Jeffrey
14. Jones, Terri
15. Kingston, Brett
16. Kingston, Sharon
17. Larmour, Constance ex speedygoose
18. Law, Keith
19. Leovic, Rad
20. Livingstone, Jane
21. Moore, Dale ex speedygoose
22. Rayner, Garry
23. Rayner, Jeanette
24. Reynolds, John
25. Rohan-Jones, Steve
26. Sims, Geoff
27. Sims, Kathy speedygoose
28. Staunton-Jugovic, Ann
29. Wells, Michelle ex speedygoose
30. White, Ken ex speedygoose
Speedygeese race results
Tuesday 25 February YCRC Summer Series #5
Weston Park 2k
14. Caroline Campbell W70 13:14
27 finishers
Weston Park 5k
10. David Clarke M55 20:44
27. Geoff Moore M65 23:35
39. Vanessa Palmer W40 26:23
42. Ewen Thompson M55 26:50
43. Jennifer Bright W35 26:51
50. Mick Charlton M60 28:02
54. Ruth Baussmann W60 29:19
59 finishers
Thursday 27 February Vets Track
M50 Colin Farlow 5:23.42 80.0%
M50 Colin Farlow 10:52.73 78.3%
W65 Margaret McSpadden 17:02.00 73.5
M55 David Clarke 19:33.18 76.9%
M65 Geoff Moore 21:39.54 75.7
W40 Bronwyn Calver 23:18.65 66.7
M55 Ewen Thompson 23:55.06 63.4
W60 Ruth Baussmann 27:01.87 74.1
My best time for any 5k for 9 months
Friday 28 February Customs 5k
11 Bronwyn Calver 28:20
12 Geoff Moore 28:20
26 finishers
Saturday 1 March Ginninderra Parkrun #97
34 Geoff Moore 22:49 M65
41 Ron Vines 23:29 M70
78 Ruth Baussmann 28:31 W60
93 Margaret McSpadden 29:43 W65
99 Gwen Vines 30:11 W65
125 finishers
Saturday 1 March Tuggeranong Parkrun #54
9 David Clarke19:22 M55 New PB! [Edit: Actually 19:29, Still a PB]
75 Ewen Thompson 26:38 M55
113 Jo Cullen 30:41 W65
161 finishers
Dave is hoping to break 40 minutes for the AMA 10k on Friday and on this form he has an excellent chance. Taper, Dave!
Saturday 1 March Gungahlin Parkrun #20
87 finishers
My plan is to JOG today's summer series run, RACE something Thursday night, and REST Saturday in preparation for another heavy week of racing the following week, leading up to the Weston Creek Half Marathon.
Australian Masters Championships Hobart 2014 March 8th to 10th
1. Booth, Tony speedygoose
2. Bourke, Sue
3. Burge, Conrad
4. Campbell, Raelene
5. Chapman, Frank
6. Chisholm, Kym speedygoose
7. Clarke, David speedygoose
8. Collins, Corinne ex speedygoose
9. Connor, Stephen
10. Forestier, Katie ex speedygoose
11. Gleeson, Gwen
12. Graham, Bruce
13. Grey, Jeffrey
14. Jones, Terri
15. Kingston, Brett
16. Kingston, Sharon
17. Larmour, Constance ex speedygoose
18. Law, Keith
19. Leovic, Rad
20. Livingstone, Jane
21. Moore, Dale ex speedygoose
22. Rayner, Garry
23. Rayner, Jeanette
24. Reynolds, John
25. Rohan-Jones, Steve
26. Sims, Geoff
27. Sims, Kathy speedygoose
28. Staunton-Jugovic, Ann
29. Wells, Michelle ex speedygoose
30. White, Ken ex speedygoose
Speedygeese race results
Tuesday 25 February YCRC Summer Series #5
Weston Park 2k
14. Caroline Campbell W70 13:14
27 finishers
Weston Park 5k
10. David Clarke M55 20:44
27. Geoff Moore M65 23:35
39. Vanessa Palmer W40 26:23
42. Ewen Thompson M55 26:50
43. Jennifer Bright W35 26:51
50. Mick Charlton M60 28:02
54. Ruth Baussmann W60 29:19
59 finishers
Thursday 27 February Vets Track
M50 Colin Farlow 5:23.42 80.0%
M50 Colin Farlow 10:52.73 78.3%
W65 Margaret McSpadden 17:02.00 73.5
M55 David Clarke 19:33.18 76.9%
M65 Geoff Moore 21:39.54 75.7
W40 Bronwyn Calver 23:18.65 66.7
M55 Ewen Thompson 23:55.06 63.4
W60 Ruth Baussmann 27:01.87 74.1
My best time for any 5k for 9 months
Friday 28 February Customs 5k
11 Bronwyn Calver 28:20
12 Geoff Moore 28:20
26 finishers
Saturday 1 March Ginninderra Parkrun #97
34 Geoff Moore 22:49 M65
41 Ron Vines 23:29 M70
78 Ruth Baussmann 28:31 W60
93 Margaret McSpadden 29:43 W65
99 Gwen Vines 30:11 W65
125 finishers
Saturday 1 March Tuggeranong Parkrun #54
9 David Clarke
75 Ewen Thompson 26:38 M55
113 Jo Cullen 30:41 W65
161 finishers
Dave is hoping to break 40 minutes for the AMA 10k on Friday and on this form he has an excellent chance. Taper, Dave!
Saturday 1 March Gungahlin Parkrun #20
87 finishers
My plan is to JOG today's summer series run, RACE something Thursday night, and REST Saturday in preparation for another heavy week of racing the following week, leading up to the Weston Creek Half Marathon.