This is about how the name “speedygeese” originated. With advice from Ewen I set up this blog in January 2005. Ewen said I needed a blogger name and suggested “speedygeoff” which I liked and adopted. In March 2005 after hearing a story about geese I adopted it for the blog and submitted it to Vetrunner as well. The original goose story is at Subsequently I wrote a five part series of posts about geese which appeared in the blog in March and April 2006. Visit the archives if you want to browse these posts. Also in April that year I noticed a women’s fun run team called “speedylegs” which was run and won by mother and daughter pair of Kathy and Ann Southgate. Geese became a bit of a theme in 2006 with cartoons etc, until in September for the Canberra Times Fun Run the training group entered a team which I called “Speedy Geese”. For the next three months we were “Speedy Geese” and the name “speedygeese” without the blank first appeared at the end of December 2006 when I described what we as a training group would be doing into 2007. So let’s say the official genesis of the speedygeese was Sunday 17 September 2006, Canberra Times Fun Run day. By the way, we won the team event.

We could have been the flashducks, but that was already taken.
What the speedygeese have been up to recently in training:
On Sunday 2 March speedygeese @ Stromlo Forest Park Jen and I jogged; Jen had just completed a 50k walk the previous day.
On Monday 3 March @ Parliament House Miranda, Ewen and I ran 8k early; then at 5:30pm we ran a “Tour de Hills” with Abi, Andy, Bronwyn, Ewen, Jen, Marilyn, Mick C, Miranda, Ruth & me running the circuit, Colin running it twice, and Warrick just turning up. Afterwards we had a meal at the Yacht Club: Abi, Andy, Anna, Ewen, me, Jen, Marilyn, Mick, Ruth. We will do that every few weeks.
I won't be at training this Sunday morning.
More importantly, there is a change of venue for this Monday only:
Monday 10 March is the Canberra Day public holiday. There may be a fair bit of activity around Parliament House. Just in case, regardless of what is happening at Parliament House, we will train at Banks Street Yarralumla. We will park at the Dog Park, which is just south of the cycle path as it passes Weston Park. Times are as usual; 4:30pm for a longer run and 5:30pm for our usual warmup leading into an interval session.

We could have been the flashducks, but that was already taken.
What the speedygeese have been up to recently in training:
On Sunday 2 March speedygeese @ Stromlo Forest Park Jen and I jogged; Jen had just completed a 50k walk the previous day.
On Monday 3 March @ Parliament House Miranda, Ewen and I ran 8k early; then at 5:30pm we ran a “Tour de Hills” with Abi, Andy, Bronwyn, Ewen, Jen, Marilyn, Mick C, Miranda, Ruth & me running the circuit, Colin running it twice, and Warrick just turning up. Afterwards we had a meal at the Yacht Club: Abi, Andy, Anna, Ewen, me, Jen, Marilyn, Mick, Ruth. We will do that every few weeks.
I won't be at training this Sunday morning.
More importantly, there is a change of venue for this Monday only:
Monday 10 March is the Canberra Day public holiday. There may be a fair bit of activity around Parliament House. Just in case, regardless of what is happening at Parliament House, we will train at Banks Street Yarralumla. We will park at the Dog Park, which is just south of the cycle path as it passes Weston Park. Times are as usual; 4:30pm for a longer run and 5:30pm for our usual warmup leading into an interval session.