The form guides I am putting up on the slideshow are slowly being updated. Any feedback (positive or not so positive) will be taken on board. It will always be a work in progress of course, like painting the Sydney Harbour Bridge. If you are missing - because you haven't trained with us for a long time - and want to be added please let me know!
Our recent training sessions
Thursday 19 December speedygeese @ Parliament House
Garry & Colin ran the 8 x 400m loop on 4 minutes at the NE hill from the tennis courts. It was very hot and I was a bit sore so I gave myself a day off.
Saturday 21 December with the speedyducks @ Acton Ferry Terminal were Andy & I having a long slow run.
On Sunday 22 December speedygeese @ Stromlo Forest Park, I started at 7:00am and ran 12 x 100m, finishing with 12k of running in total. Dave feeling sore from the Tour de Ridges still ran some km intervals, as did Andrew and Lucia who were recovering from a fast parkrun the previous day. It was a nice sultry morning for running.
Then on Monday 23 December the speedygeese met at Parliament House as usual, and we ran the 8x400m loops again. I ran 8k early as the day was much cooler than the previous few; for the main session we had Heather, Michelle (new), Jen, Susan, Colin, Garry, Bronwyn and me. A few of us are planning to train again at Parliament House this Boxing Day at 5:30pm as usual.
I trust you are all having a safe and blessed Christmas.